Favorite Dog Breed

Adore my royalair shephard

Here he is waiting for chickens to throw his ball.... Desperate boy!

I love this dog so much!
Even though this thread is order, I'll throw my hat into the ring. :) I love all dogs, however, my heart belongs to the giant breeds (mastiffs/great danes, etc.).

Rayna, our recently adopted SAB. Such a lady, eh?

My current want is to get a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. I like the Bernese Mountain dog, but not dealing with that kind of fluff again.
I loved my Siberian Husky, and would get another if the circumstances were right. The situation is not right at the moment.
We had an Irish Setter - he was such a special dog and a part of our hearts went with him. We will probably get another one someday - any pups we get now would be judged against him and be found lacking.
I had a Siberian Husky / neighbors farm dog mix, a great dog also. From his temperament, attitude and looks I would guess that daddy was a German Shepherd/Collie mix - a fairly common farm dog for the area that I was living at the time. 90 pounds at 11 months and he was still puppy skinny and needed to bulk up to adult weight.
We had a black lab, she was a good dog but a rescue and not nearly as bonded to us as the ones we got as pups. Smart as a whip, she had a hard start to life and was still a loving dog. My BIL had a great lab, the breed is just not my cup of tea I guess.
Right now we have a German Shepherd pup. 8 months old - no, he is 9 months old now. He is a really good dog, DH needs to work with him some more though, he is way too attached to me. GSD's are so smart and loyal. I made the mistake of teaching him to fetch ... he is always dropping his toy at my feet and a ball on the steps is going to be the death of me yet.
My favorite breeds are the Hungarian Komondor and the Chinese Pug. Don't currently have either.
I bred, raised and showed Cockers for many years. I didn't like the temperaments in the first two dogs we got, so decided I was going to breed beautiful dogs with great dispositions. It wasn't much of a challenge, just started with really great foundation stock. My last Cocker died in 1989, at 14 haven't gotten any since.

Have often toyed with the idea of having a Bedlington Terrier, or Cavalier King Charles but, felt it would be a betrayal of the Cockers that were everything I ever wanted in a dog. Just in no position to handle vet bills and my own health care costs so ,love on all the dogs I see in the neighborhood.
The first and only dog I've ever kept is a Shih Tzu and I love the snot out of him. He is the sweetest little 9 lb fur baby. Shih Tzu's are considered hypoallergenic which is great for me since I'm allergic. Some people think that Shih Tzu's don't shed at all which is a misconception. My Shih Tzu does shed, but he only sheds twice a year. Once in the early spring for about 2-3 weeks and again in the fall. He is kind of a rescue... his previous owners didn't like him and kept him in a barn. Now he either sleeps in our bed with us (under the covers of course) or in his own bed right beside ours depending on how cold it is. Shih Tzu's do require a bit of maintenance but so worth it.

Here is a younger picture of Toby Wan Kenobe.

This is a more recent picture.

I used to let his hair get long so I can tie it up in little pony tails and make him cute, but I've been keeping it short the past couple of years lol.

When he passes I might consider a Chinese Crested because they require a lot less grooming.
He's so cute, I used to groom dogs, saw a lot of shih tzus, never had one try to snap or bite, but never had one cooperate either, goofy dogs.

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