First Egg Countdown

Congrats Happy Chooks, Sakmeht, and flirty31!!!

Happy Chooks,those eggs are amazingly blue! I'd love to have something like that someday. Jealous!

My ladies are about 26 weeks old and I'm not sure which one laid this but I am SOO excited that it finally happened! Thought it never would!
So excited for you! Congrats. You will feel this way about all your chickens first egg, then their second, then their third..........
Haha, I have more Marans going into the incubator in the same hatchalong. The ones that just hatched are SO CUTE!!! I love my wittle Booberry (Blue Marans). He/she is seriously the fattest chick I've ever seen. Praying that Booberry is a girl, and that I can add her to this thread!!
So excited for you! Congrats. You will feel this way about all your chickens first egg, then their second, then their third..........
Thanks Flowerbh!

I already know you're right because when I got home from work at 5 p.m., I found another egg! And I was just as excited!

Then this morning, I found two blue eggs, which means my Americauna has started laying too so all 3 girls are laying!
Good Morning, I just swet my bator with Rouen duck eggs. I have 18 pullets that I have been waiting on (hatched out in October) and they have started to lay. I have gotten two Cream legbar eggs and 7 Black Austrolorps pullet eggs so far. All with in the last week. My show/breeder quality BA's got really synged and burned that out of 7 hens I am getting 2 eggs every other day. I count my blessing tha they are still alive. SPRING IS AROUND THE CORNER!! FINALLY AT LAST! Even though we got 10 inches of snow this last weekend we are seeing some grass.

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