First Egg Countdown

here is the side photo of dale and here is shadow
Went to check on the chicks this afternoon and look what I found...

I didn't want to spook her so I gave her some privacy to finish the task. But I can't wait to see the first egg!!!!!

Here it is...

I left her alone but when I came back she came running to me as if to say, "Have you seen it? Have you seen it?" Yay! Finally the first egg. She is 23 1/2 weeks old today. So happy!
Quote: They will lay light brown eggs.

sanecatlady - make sure you keep their rears trimmed. English Orps get some poopy butts.
I have 4 chickens all approximately 20 weeks old. A week ago I got my first egg but nothing since. Is this normal??
Chickens are: Barred rock, Black Sex Link, Red Production and little bantam.

Thank you!!

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