First time hatchers hatch A-long!

Its so hard not to candle! All of my eggs but one that ended up being infertile, despite damaged air cells are login really well! Lots of strong veins, its so cool to watch them grow! After tracing my air cells, I don't think there as bad as I thought.
I candle daily, MGG says its fine to candle daily, so you can if you want. :thumbsup Incubating is so fun!
It is so hard not to candle daily. I made myself only 2x a week. It’s the best I could do. Lol
Hi all, just an update from me, my lonely egg had internally pipped yesterday and was chirping loudly all evening. This morning there was just silence and no signs of life. I’m now at work and soooo worried! I’m planning to get home when 25-26h has passed from the internal pip and make an air hole if it hasn’t pipped externally yet. I just hope the baby is still alive 🥺

btw, I have found someone who is expecting baby chicks for the weekend and will get my baby two friends from there if all goes well.
there is also another place with chicks much closer to home but those would be one week old, do you think it would be safe to have a week old chick with a newly born one?
6 more days to go! I can't believe they'll be going on lockdown in 3 more days. These 3 weeks are flying by!
Yesterday we had a massive storm system move through and I could NOT get the humidity down. I opened the vent all the way and emptied water out of port A (NR360) but it was still at 58% all day until evening when it finally calmed down and dropped to 52%. Should I be worried? I'm candling again on day 18 before lockdown but hopefully a little extra humidity didn't hurt anything.
6 more days to go! I can't believe they'll be going on lockdown in 3 more days. These 3 weeks are flying by!
Yesterday we had a massive storm system move through and I could NOT get the humidity down. I opened the vent all the way and emptied water out of port A (NR360) but it was still at 58% all day until evening when it finally calmed down and dropped to 52%. Should I be worried? I'm candling again on day 18 before lockdown but hopefully a little extra humidity didn't hurt anything.
I think it'll be alright. It was pretty close to lockdown anyway, so I bet it'll be fine. I'm crossing my fingers for your hatch! So exciting! :celebrate
I'm setting another dozen eggs today, hoping to get 3 of each breed. :wee
Hi all, just an update from me, my lonely egg had internally pipped yesterday and was chirping loudly all evening. This morning there was just silence and no signs of life. I’m now at work and soooo worried! I’m planning to get home when 25-26h has passed from the internal pip and make an air hole if it hasn’t pipped externally yet. I just hope the baby is still alive 🥺

btw, I have found someone who is expecting baby chicks for the weekend and will get my baby two friends from there if all goes well.
there is also another place with chicks much closer to home but those would be one week old, do you think it would be safe to have a week old chick with a newly born one?
I don't think that age difference is a good idea. The newly hatched will likely get picked on, your bed bet is the two from the other guy.
I hope he's doing okay! I'm crossing my fingers for you! :fl
I don't think that age difference is a good idea. The newly hatched will likely get picked on, your bed bet is the two from the other guy.
I hope he's doing okay! I'm crossing my fingers for you! :fl
Sadly he didn’t make it :/ I came home and there was no progress so I made a little air hole, candled - no movement, waited couple of hours, candeld - no movement. I opened the egg and he looked perfectly formed but was no longer alive :(
I think it'll be alright. It was pretty close to lockdown anyway, so I bet it'll be fine. I'm crossing my fingers for your hatch! So exciting! :celebrate
I'm setting another dozen eggs today, hoping to get 3 of each breed. :wee
Thanks! I'm not too worried either, if these eggs had been under a hen in the coop it would have been even more humid with that storm that hit, so I'm sure no damage was done.
Fingers crossed you get 3 of each breed! How fun is that? I'm ordering a couple dozen Bresse eggs so once these hatch I'll be doing several batches of those, depending on hatch rate, at least 4-5 batches to build our self sustaining Bresse flock this year
Thanks! I'm not too worried either, if these eggs had been under a hen in the coop it would have been even more humid with that storm that hit, so I'm sure no damage was done.
Fingers crossed you get 3 of each breed! How fun is that? I'm ordering a couple dozen Bresse eggs so once these hatch I'll be doing several batches of those, depending on hatch rate, at least 4-5 batches to build our self sustaining Bresse flock this year
Ya, I imagine they are strong enough to survive that. In the wild the hen may very well be getting soaked, and the humidity would have gone off the rials!

I'm very excited! I'm hoping to get 3 EEs, 3 Dark Brahamas, 3 Cochin bantams, and 3 Serama's once I incubate them after these guys. Then, I'm assuming I'll get 50% roosters, and will have to rehome or cull. I think its really good that I am raising meat birds right now, because its a good to warm me up to raising extra roosters for meat lol! I hope I get mostly hens! :fl
Ya, I imagine they are strong enough to survive that. In the wild the hen may very well be getting soaked, and the humidity would have gone off the rials!

I'm very excited! I'm hoping to get 3 EEs, 3 Dark Brahamas, 3 Cochin bantams, and 3 Serama's once I incubate them after these guys. Then, I'm assuming I'll get 50% roosters, and will have to rehome or cull. I think its really good that I am raising meat birds right now, because its a good to warm me up to raising extra roosters for meat lol! I hope I get mostly hens! :fl
Me too! All roos become meat birds so it all works out in the end, each chick gets a purpose and we get the joy of the hatching/rearing process. I think I'm addicted lol

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