Frizzle thread

I live in Guatemala! Here they do not have true frizzle breeds. I have thought about shipping some eggs for my Bator but don't know if the eggs would make it.
Oooh, yea. That would be a long trip for eggs to travel. I don't think they'd fare so well.
Have you checked to see if there is a Guatemala thread in that section? I've seen ones for Thailand, the UK and other countries, so it wouldn't surprise me one bit if there was already one for yours!
Check out this cutie. The only frizzled Silkie pullet I hatched this year.

Sizzle cockerel (he's looking for a new home if any of you are in Tn).
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I think i read somewhere, that you don't mix two frizzles....? so when you say first generation sizzles, does that mean you can cross two sizzles and that is okay? how do you get second generation? hope you don't mind all the questions... :) just don't want to make any mistakes and create a featherless chicken or some such thing that was a 'no-no' :) Thanks~
That is correct, you should never cross two frizzles. Sizzles come in frizzled and smooth varieties, and you would breed your frizzle to a smooth, ideally. However, when most people are starting from scratch (like I did), they breed their frizzled birds back to their Silkies.
So, say you cross a frizzled Cochin hen and a Silkie rooster, the resulting offspring would be your first generation. You would take those offspring, and breed the pullets back to your Silkie rooster (if he has desirable traits that would compliment those pullets) or another Silkie rooster to improve their type (or the Sizzle cockerels to Silkie hens), those offspring would be your second generation, and so on and so on. As your breeding the frizzled birds to your Silkies, you'll get 4 feather types, frizzled Sizzles (frizzled hard feathers), smooth Sizzles (flat hard feathers), regular Silkies and frizzled Silkies (frizzled Silkie feathers). You'll separate the frizzles from the frizzles as you go, so they aren't breeding. The frizzles, smooths and regular Silkies can all be kept together though. A lot of folks get rid of the smooths as they breed, which is a mistake. They're very important, since you can't breed your frizzles together. Eventually, you can get to where your Sizzle pen contains just frizzled Sizzles and smooth Sizzles, and you won't need the Silkies to improve type anymore.

Whew, I hope that makes sense!

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