Frizzle thread

here are my 4 babies that hatched. The yellow one is a serama with a frizled parent. I was wondering if any of you think her wings look like she might be frizzled? She is 5 days old today.

Picked up a 6-week old Frizzle last nigh along with four silkies. She's awesome! Well, at least I am HOPING it is a she. I just snapped this picture quick before I had to leave for work.
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Hubby was not so happy that I got give more chickens :/
He will eventually get over it, once I move them out of the spare bedroom. I lost seven chickens between when I first started my flock and now, and we ended up with two roosters so have to get rid of one of those, so I think my impulse to get more was justified. These are my first bantams, my others are Ameracanus, Buffs, and Leghorns.

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