Frizzle thread

Thanks! ^.^ I tried to lay all of his crest on one side of his comb since it's lopped over to one side, but as soon as wet weather hit, it went back to it's regular shape. Ahh well...
Anyway, besides him, I currently have two teenage Frizzles. One is his brother (maybe half-brother) and looks reeeeally similar so far, only a lot more red and straw colored markings. The other I think is his son, a blue frizzled Silkie. Here's a couple of crappy pictures... I'll have to snap some proper ones soon!

This one is currently nicknamed Tribble... pretty sure he's a cockerel. Look at those foofy feet!

The whole gang of teenagers! You can see the other frizzle in the center of the group, on the ground.

He's off to the left of my light buff Silkie in this one.

I will end up rehoming them before they get too ehrm... cocky... but I do want to see how they fill out in the meantime.
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For some reason I am unable to upload photos, bit I have two frizzle Cochin chicks that are 4 1/2 weeks old. My white one is feathering quickly and has a yellow comb, my black one is still pretty fuzzy with some feathers and has a light pink comb. Starting to wonder in my black one may be a roo. The comb size is the same for both chicks. These are my first frizzles, and wanted to know any advice.


what do you think i think he is a boy ,please tell me
I got these two about 3 months ago, they are both bantam Cochins. The black one is super tiny and has grown very slow and feathered out very slow. Will she still lay eggs if she remains so tiny? The black and orange one are from the same breeder hatched days apart


I got these two about 3 months ago, they are both bantam Cochins. The black one is super tiny and has grown very slow and feathered out very slow. Will she still lay eggs if she remains so tiny? The black and orange one are from the same breeder hatched days apart

You sure the black one isn't a cockerel? It's comb and wattles seem pretty bright for one that age/size...
I love all my frizzels
and i have more than a few of them best rooster i ever had was a frizzel
, and best hen was a frizzel. sorry no pics on here yet but i will
I'm looking to add a few more frizzle pullets to my flock if anyone has any for sale that are 5 weeks or older. I'm in Moscow, Id area. I have a mixed flock and ended up with to many EE roo's! I am also unable to post pics but I have one adorable black sizzle and her three straight feathered silkies, one black, one buff and one silver!
This little one is two weeks old .. he/she is currently affectionately known as 'my little dinosaur' lol. He/she has the whole 'warlord, high collar' thing going on! :) This little one is also 2 weeks old but feathering out a lot slower. I think I am seeing Frizzle feathers but leaving it a bit longer before saying for certain. It's colour is what has me intrigued .. it is like a silver/grey. Your thoughts on what colour to call it would be appreciated. I posted some pictures on another thread and some comments were that they thought it was in black and white! lol. So took some next to a watermelon to show colour ;) The little sweetheart knew I was trying to get a picture of the wing so was very obliging! lol PS. I have no idea of the parentage. The guy I purchased the eggs off either did not mark them at all or marked them with the mum's name! The top chick came out of an egg marked 'Gloria' and the grey/silver's egg was not marked! :)
I'm sorry I know that this is an old post but I saw this and almost died. It may be the cutest/funniest little guy i have ever seen. I may now go into a state of depression (not really) i can t have frizzles!!! My dad says that they would get full of mud and catch a chill in the winter

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