Frizzle thread

I asked for guesses on the gender of my Cochin frizzle when it was 8 weeks old. Now 10 weeks later I'm still unsure. I thought for sure this cutie was a rooster. It's comb was bigger then my other chickens and red at 10 weeks. But it's comb hasn't gotten any bigger since then and no attempts at crowing. So, can anyone tell me the gender of this 18 week old sweetie? Also, my other pullets have started picking on my frizzle and it sleeps alone at night. It's my only bantam. Should I be worried about the cold? I live in Utah


I asked for guesses on the gender of my Cochin frizzle when it was 8 weeks old. Now 10 weeks later I'm still unsure. I thought for sure this cutie was a rooster. It's comb was bigger then my other chickens and red at 10 weeks. But it's comb hasn't gotten any bigger since then and no attempts at crowing. So, can anyone tell me the gender of this 18 week old sweetie? Also, my other pullets have started picking on my frizzle and it sleeps alone at night. It's my only bantam. Should I be worried about the cold? I live in Utah

Thanks everyone! I will be looking forward to those little eggs! Any thoughts on her sleeping alone and getting picked on by the other chickens? I'm not worried right now as the temps have been above 30. Although, it usually drops into the teens in January and February and occasionally single digits. That is what I'm most worried about!
If I were you, with the one bird being singled out and sleeping alone, I'd get her a bantam buddy or 2. If you've just recently gotten her, the picking is probably just newbie pecking order stuff and will likely blow over in time. But, when I had frizzles in a mixed flock, they did tend to get picked on a bit more (I figured because they were different). I'd imagine you get pretty cold temps in Utah, and a snuggle buddy certainly couldn't hurt!
Good luck, she's super cute!
She isn't new. She used to have a couple buddies, but not since they have grown to be twice her size. Most of the chickens just ignore her, but I have 4, including my rooster, that chase her and peck at her. Luckily no drawing of blood or a lot of missing feathers! She spends most of the day under my deck. Sometimes she goes out with them to free range for a bit, at least until she gets chased back under the deck again. I've thought about getting her a friend or two, but won't I just have the same problem of the new banty's being picked on also? Maybe I will get a small bantam coop for her and a couple others. Thanks for your insight!
You would likely still have the issue of the bantams getting picked on by the standards, but when there are more of them, the abuse gets spread around instead of one bird getting the brunt of it. A separate coop would be ideal, but not everyone can go that route. Even if they have to stay with the others for a while, I think some chickens her size are still a good idea :)
I found someone selling a few bantams her age and I will be picking them up this week! After quarantine, I will begin the integration process. Hopefully everything will work out, but if there is still a problem, I will get them their own coop. Thanks for all the advice everyone!

There has been a lot of debate within our family and friends if the white frizzle in front is a hen or a roo. I have always thought hen, but the more I watch and look I think roo. Probably 6-7 months old. No crowing or egg.

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