Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

we had potluck at work and 2 of my fellow employees wanted to know who brought the deviled eggs cause they didn't want eggs from a real chicken hu!
I was telling a few friends at work about how my chicken saddles should be coming in anyday now and I couldnt wait to put them on the girls. Then one of my co-workers asked me, and I quote "How the heck are you gonna ride those little things?" And the 'things' she meant were my chickens. The sad part was she was totally serious about this too. This is coming from a 53+ y.o. women who has lived in a small podunk country/farm town all her life. Come on now..get real! When I got home and told DH I just burst out laughing thinking about it again. The look on her face when she asked me that..
haha! wow these stories are hilarious. most of the wierd things i get are from my sister. she used to like our ducks when they were babies in their brooder, but now she's says they are gross because they are dirty. they used to be in their own poop all day! now they swim in nice clean water and they are bright white ducks....she also says they smell. she has never gotten close enough to them.

she also thinks the eggs my hen lays are gross, so i put them right in front of her face just to bug her. she says they came out of the dirty duck's but and that they are gross. she must be convinced that store bought eggs aren't from a chicken's but...oh and she's almost 18.

a lot of people at school look at me and ask "you have ducks?!?" my response, "yeah. they are adorable." they normally continue to ask dumb questions like "can they swim?!" "do they lay eggs?!?" "do they quack?" "do you feed them?" in my opinion, these are the dumbest questions ever!

best thing ever though, we were talking about easter, how its about bunnies and eggs and my friend goes, "thats so cool that bunnies lay eggs!" i told her bunnies don't lay eggs, but she was pretty convinced they lay eggs. she's 15
I've had this conversation several times:

Friend: Do you hatch your own chicks?

Me: No, we don't have a rooster, so we don't get chicks.

Friend: How do you get eggs without a rooster?
first off your Dad is very funny thats a great responce!

oh and my sister will not eat meat on the bone
yes I am serious, and since I love her and do all the cooking I am always careful to serve all of her meat boneless. lol
although she knows I am cutting all the bone away it makes her feel better not to see any of the tendons, or discoloration that happens by the bone.

she also hates it when I feed her deer or anything not made of cheese, bread and maybe some sauce
Okay, this definitely wasn't said by a city slicker, but I think it was so hilarious.

We were walking our two dogs in our small town one day. They are both white poodles; one a standard (40-something pounds/24" tall) and one a miniature (15.5" tall/ 22 pounds). We met a man who said, "Them twins?"

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A friend of ours called from NY to ask my DH to take his side on a bet he had with a coworker. His stance was that all eggs come out brown and the white eggs were bleached.

Our friend does not take having to admit he is wrong very well.
we had milk jugs hanging on our maple trees to collect the sap. my chickens like to free range in the neighbors yard, so i went to deliver some eggs. i was speaking to the young wife and she asked, if the milk jugs, were to keep the woodpeckers away from the trees and that she has been having some birds hit her windows, so she figured she would hang some milk jugs from them....

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