Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

A co-worker told me a few days ago about a group of 4th graders that had come to the dairy farm a few years ago where I work now. And as he was giving them a tour of the farm, some of the kids raised their hands and asked "Why are you doing all this work when you can go to the store and buy milk there?" *facepalm* So sad...most people nowadays don't know where their food comes from, let alone how their food is grown/raised! If you have kids, take them to as many different farms as you can, so they can learn how hardworking farmers grow/raise food to feed the world.

Maybe that one was more the kid thought it was all for personal use rather than not knowing where milk came from :)
I bought a fountain for my house critters today, and chose the cow version. As I was putting it together, I noticed they put 6 teats on the cow instead of 4.
That would probably make milking faster, I suppose.
I bought a fountain for my house critters today, and chose the cow version. As I was putting it together, I noticed they put 6 teats on the cow instead of 4.
That would probably make milking faster, I suppose.
Just for the sake of argument, I have seen six teats on a cow. It's not the norm, but it does happen. Usually the extras are removed when the calf is young. One cow on the dairy where I milked had five functioning teats. There were two on one side of the udder and three on the other, and you had to be sure you milked out all of them. At any rate, six teats on a cow makes a whole lot more sense than putting a full udder on a bull like that stupid animator in that Back at the Barnyard series. Drives me nuts.
I was selling a few week old chicks at the flea market and a guy asked me how old are they. I said a few weeks and then he said "so they are going to die soon?"
I politely told him they are still quite young and had a long time to live.
I overheard this conversation and had to add this.
guy:thats a Japanese bantam
lady:ive been raising them for a while. shes really pretty.

I looked at the hen and saw it was nowhere close to a Japanese bantam. it had heavily feathered feet and didn't have the fan tail. she looks and probably a buff cochin bantam. ps. I ended up buying her.
My wife, an excellent cook..

we were at the county fair in the poultry barn..

A man was doing something with his pretty very white lacy looking doves..

My DW says to the man.. Do you eat them?? He looked like someone just kicked him in the stomach.. I was just as shocked.
Hahaha! I was given a mourning dove a couple months ago to raise (because apparently, people around here think I'm the one to bring abandoned birds to), one of my sister's co-workers said, " know, doves aren't that big, but wrapped up in bacon, doves make good eatin'."

I was just...kinda shocked. As it turns out, there is a market down here for quail and doves for eating. I now raise quail, but I still have only one dove. I was told by the same co-worker that he would catch a male dove if I bred them for eating. I am not talking to him anymore, haha!
Hahaha! I was given a mourning dove a couple months ago to raise (because apparently, people around here think I'm the one to bring abandoned birds to), one of my sister's co-workers said, " know, doves aren't that big, but wrapped up in bacon, doves make good eatin'."

I was just...kinda shocked. As it turns out, there is a market down here for quail and doves for eating. I now raise quail, but I still have only one dove. I was told by the same co-worker that he would catch a male dove if I bred them for eating. I am not talking to him anymore, haha!
We have a dove hunting season down here. I didn't think they were really big enough to bother, but apparently so because it's a big thing in these parts.
We have a dove hunting season down here. I didn't think they were really big enough to bother, but apparently so because it's a big thing in these parts.
I've heard of dove hunting before (I live in Texas where it's pretty prevalent), but I didn't really think about raising doves for that. It just seemed kinda weird considering how small they are, but I guess raising quail is kinda the same. I was just shocked at how adamant he was about catching me a male dove so I could raise him some birds for eating. I'm just thinking, "Gosh, how the heck am I going to continue looking Petey (the dove) in the eye if I know I'm feeding her babies to this creepy man?"

Then I remember that Petey hates me and only tolerates me because I feed her. Silly me.

This is her I-could-kill-you-in-your-sleep look. Seriously, she attacked my face when I was sleeping once. She got a cage after that.

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