Funniest Things A City Slicker Has Ever Said To You?

Wow these are hilarious! I have plenty of stories I know but I can't remember any good ones right now :p I've had people think that my suffolk sheep are goats. We had this cow with horns and everyone was like "Look at the bull...I'm like "that's not a bul"l... they are like but it has horns!!! Oh boy :p
Most people who see my chickens think that if they have a comb they are a rooster.
I've even had people ask how the eggs hatch into chicks.... :p
Wow these are hilarious! I have plenty of stories I know but I can't remember any good ones right now :p I've had people think that my suffolk sheep are goats. We had this cow with horns and everyone was like "Look at the bull...I'm like "that's not a bul"l... they are like but it has horns!!! Oh boy :p
Most people who see my chickens think that if they have a comb they are a rooster.
I've even had people ask how the eggs hatch into chicks.... :p
Those are all funny, but I think the last one is a pretty fair question. How many non-chicken people are going to know how a chick develops in the egg. It's a pretty fascinating thing.
Wow these are hilarious! I have plenty of stories I know but I can't remember any good ones right now :p I've had people think that my suffolk sheep are goats. We had this cow with horns and everyone was like "Look at the bull...I'm like "that's not a bul"l... they are like but it has horns!!! Oh boy :p
Most people who see my chickens think that if they have a comb they are a rooster.
I've even had people ask how the eggs hatch into chicks.... :p
The fedex man came a while ago, and my over-friendly hampshire sheep whether decided to greet him. The fed ex man responded " A goat!! don't they head butt?" And back away very cautiously. XD
I would have backed away very carefully, too. I can tell the difference between a sheep and a goat. The goat wouldn't bother me, but I have had some very bad experiences with sheep.
I figure wit any animal that size to watch them to step out of the way or prepare for an impact and if you move out of the way get ready to kick it or hit it to let it know your not game for roughness kinda like how you deal with a bully may not always work, but at least you've warned it.
I have a story!

(We had my two silkies on display for our FFA chapter at a little Spring Fling thing)

Woman: What are those?!
Me: Oh! There a new cross between a Pomeranian and a chicken!
Woman: Oh my gosh! No way?! That's crazy!
Me: (silentley laughing in my head)

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