Goat Toys! How To Make Toys That Are Perfect For Your Goats!

I have two goats at my school that I take care of, and I would love to cure their boredom!

Goat #1- She's around 9 years I think, and she's always super grumpy. She loves to eat, but we have to watch her weight, as she is pregnant. Also, she likes to scratch herself.

Goat #2- He's only one, and he's very playful and enjoys company. He loves to run around and explore things. Also, he LOVES to chew stuff.

Please keep in mind that these goats are school pets and have to be kept in a pretty small pen, so anything too high in "elevation" would be out of the question- they could escape the pen and get into trouble.
Have you tried asking the school to provide them with a bigger area? It wouldn't be too expensive if you rounded up all the students who cared and worked together!
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Yes, I do suppose I could ask the school, but that would have to be passed by the school board, superintendent, etc, etc. Not to mention, the school had to remove a pig from the "petting zoo" because one of the parents complained that there kid would get swine flu. -_- I guess you could say the goats are somewhat of a "secret."

Your male would be a good boyfriend for JoAnna (on the left).
do you know any toys for chickens?????
they like exploring,jumping and scrachting aroud in hay and grass.they also love mud baths and will peck ANYTHING.one of them espesial loves digging and another is quiter.
@ buckynsage sorry I haven't replied in a bit! Maybe you could find something for them to hide in? I dont know how to explain this exactly. Some kind of big tube cut in half to nake a tunnel for them? I will have to think about that one.

@lily12 chickens like eating stuff! There are big seed blocks you can buy at a feed store! Also find things they can hide under or in. As long as that aren't sharp and are easy to clean out they should be ok. I also think ifyou could get a wooden board of some sort and cement it in the ground, you could nail milk crates to it for them to hang out in. You could make them different heights too.

Hope these help!

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