Goat Toys! How To Make Toys That Are Perfect For Your Goats!

Hi! I have one 4 year old Nigerian Dwarf who is playful and silly, and one 1 year old Nigerian Dwarf who is reserved and a bit afraid. Right now I have an old table and a upside down water trouph for them to play on, but I need something else to get them to play together. Other than a few rounds of chicken bowling (running and scattering the chickens) there isn't any activity they do together
Well one thing you can get is an old dog house for shelter & climbing, my goats love to play together on mine. If you had some kind of ramp or teeter-totter that could be cool. And add in some kind of ball and see if they do anything with that! Hope this helps!
NOTICE!!!!!! With in the next week I will be posting some pictures of my goats & their pen to help you guys get any ideas!
This is a great thread! I would really like to see those pictures =) I have 10 week old myotonic wethers who seem to be board! I like the milk carton idea!
Any good pig toys shes a mini pig so think small and shes short so i dont want any broken legs lol
Im gonna start making some of these toys or platform play areas soon for my kids. They don't seem bored but I want them to have many options when it comes to play. Id love to see everyones play areas for their goats.
Hello! OH! I'm so happy to have found you!!!
I'm new at this. We have two Pygmy Mountain Goats. Both Female. Their names? Stella (stars) and Luna (moon). They are the lights of my life! They're friendly (once they get to know you.. otherwise shy), and very affectionate. They LOVE to lie on their blanket with me and take a nap in the afternoon. We've built them two playgrounds and they have TONS of room to move around in. They have, in my opinion, everything a couple of goats could possibly want. So, what's the problem? Well... Since I'm a human, I'm under the impression that all creatures need to be kept busy and I'm afraid that Stella and Luna are a bit bored. They lie on top of their "mountain" and while away the hours. They don't seem to "play" or get (in my opinion) enough exercise. They love their oats and will eat hay (although they don't seem to LOVE it as they do their oats). They'll be one year old October 1st and are in perfect health.
Any suggestions for getting them moving?

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