*Heat Of Battle*A Warrior Cat Role Play

Rainspark nodded to Sootfeather, Flamefang and Thunderstrike, "Sootfeather, grab her scruff. Thunderstrike and Flamefang, hold her up on your shoulders."
Meadowpaw quickened her pace until she caught up and stood next to him.

Lilypaw shrugged and dashed after him, only to find that their mission had been finished by Longstripe. She sighed to Frostypaw, "I guess that's over with."
Frostypaw's tail dropped in disappointment. "I guess we'll have to wait for next time," he mewed. His ears pricked as the warriors brought a motionless Hollyshadow into camp.


After some thought, we are reviving HOB! This was a really awesome rp(even though my old grammar and spelling ruined it), lets return it to it's former glory, but better!
Will it last long? IDK sis, you tell me. We'll see what happens!
Blizzardwing is leader, Shadowfrost returned to FrostClan, and Spottedsplash returned to lead the Tribe. We still have Frostypaw, Lilypaw and Rainpaw that we can use for main characters, and Sarah has Hazelpaw, if Sarah ever comes out of her little hole.
The apprentices can all have their warrior names if you like, and of course Rainspark is now Rainstar. Va, as for a deputy? You can choose!

Epilouge—2 Moons later

(Outside of the Clan Territories—Tigerstrike: Tom, DawnClan Warrior, Formerally ThornClan/Dark Forest/ShadowClan. Spiritfeather: Vixen, DawnClan Warrior, Formerally Loner.)

Tigerstrike leapt over a log, amber eyes narrowed. The scent trail was gone, washed away by rain. Am I ever going to find the old camp?
"Find anything?" Spiritfeather barked, leaping gracefully over the log.
"Just as much luck as you." Tigerstrike huffed. "I have no clue where this camp is. Meadowpaw might not even be there anymore!"
"I can help you."
Tigerstrike spun around, claws unsheathed. A skinny black tom, pelt flecked with white, and wide, slightly disturbing orange eyes stood in front of him. "Who are you?" He growled, wary of the strange cat.
"No one in particular." The tom shrugged, staring at Spiritfeather unblinkingly.
"Oh, StarClan." Spiritfeather woofed softly, her ears flicking uneasily.
"Sometimes." He replied, settling down and curling his tail over his bony legs. "Sometimes not."
Tigerstrike scowled, raising a paw, as if ready to strike. "Who are you?"
"Who do you think I am?" He responded steadily, blinking slowly.
"A rouge? Loner? What do you want from us?" Tigerstrike growled, glancing uneasily at Spiritfeather. Was this one of the strange foxes spirit friends?
"Sometimes." He stood, sighing, a wistful look in his eyes. "Nothing in particular."
"What do you want with DawnClan?" Tigerstrike growled.
"Oh, nothing in particular. Come, I'll show you to your kin."
Tigerstrike looked at Spiritfeather, but she just shook her head. "I'd...rather not, thanks." Tigerstrike muttered. How did the Tom know who he was looking for?
"You'd rather abandon your sister? Come now, silly Clan cat, lets not waste time with idle chatter." The cat instructed calmly, trotting past them.
Spiritfeather shrugged, and slowly followed him. Tigerstrike followed her, unsure and wary. They slid under a bush after him, but he was no where to be found. But the old, abandoned Tribe camp was.
After Spottedsplash had left the Clans to form the Tribe again, she had taken a empty chunk of territory between SunClan and ThornClan, wishing to stay around the Lake and Fourtrees then live in the old camp.
"Meadow?" Tigerstrike breathed, glancing around the once beautiful camp. "Meadowpaw?"


(ThornClan/DawnClan Border, by Marigold patch— Wildwind: Tom, ThornClan Warrior.)

He waited. He had waited for many days and many hours, earning him the suspicious glares from his Clanmates. He hadn't seen the pretty medicine cat since that last day in her camp.
"Thanks, beautiful." "You don't look to bad yourself."
A slight smirk twitched at the corner of his muzzle, and he laid down, resting his head on his paws, wishing beyond hope that he would see her again.


(FrostClan Camp, by Warrior's den—Shadowfrost: She-cat, FrostClan Warrior.)

Shadowfrost paced, tail lashing. Why was she pacing? Well, quite frankly she didn't know. Her paws itched to do something, but what she couldn't figure out. She had taken out patrols, had finished hunting, and even helping Sparrowwing with her kits. But something didn't feel quite right. She sat down, staring at the sky. StarClan help us.



After some thought, we are reviving HOB! This was a really awesome rp(even though my old grammar and spelling ruined it), lets return it to it's former glory, but better!
Will it last long? IDK sis, you tell me. We'll see what happens!
Blizzardwing is leader, Shadowfrost returned to FrostClan, and Spottedsplash returned to lead the Tribe. We still have Frostypaw, Lilypaw and Rainpaw that we can use for main characters, and Sarah has Hazelpaw, if Sarah ever comes out of her little hole.
The apprentices can all have their warrior names if you like, and of course Rainspark is now Rainstar. Va, as for a deputy? You can choose!

Epilouge—2 Moons later

(Outside of the Clan Territories—Tigerstrike: Tom, DawnClan Warrior, Formerally ThornClan/Dark Forest/ShadowClan. Spiritfeather: Vixen, DawnClan Warrior, Formerally Loner.)

Tigerstrike leapt over a log, amber eyes narrowed. The scent trail was gone, washed away by rain. Am I ever going to find the old camp?
"Find anything?" Spiritfeather barked, leaping gracefully over the log.
"Just as much luck as you." Tigerstrike huffed. "I have no clue where this camp is. Meadowpaw might not even be there anymore!"
"I can help you."
Tigerstrike spun around, claws unsheathed. A skinny black tom, pelt flecked with white, and wide, slightly disturbing orange eyes stood in front of him. "Who are you?" He growled, wary of the strange cat.
"No one in particular." The tom shrugged, staring at Spiritfeather unblinkingly.
"Oh, StarClan." Spiritfeather woofed softly, her ears flicking uneasily.
"Sometimes." He replied, settling down and curling his tail over his bony legs. "Sometimes not."
Tigerstrike scowled, raising a paw, as if ready to strike. "Who are you?"
"Who do you think I am?" He responded steadily, blinking slowly.
"A rouge? Loner? What do you want from us?" Tigerstrike growled, glancing uneasily at Spiritfeather. Was this one of the strange foxes spirit friends?
"Sometimes." He stood, sighing, a wistful look in his eyes. "Nothing in particular."
"What do you want with DawnClan?" Tigerstrike growled.
"Oh, nothing in particular. Come, I'll show you to your kin."
Tigerstrike looked at Spiritfeather, but she just shook her head. "I'd...rather not, thanks." Tigerstrike muttered. How did the Tom know who he was looking for?
"You'd rather abandon your sister? Come now, silly Clan cat, lets not waste time with idle chatter." The cat instructed calmly, trotting past them.
Spiritfeather shrugged, and slowly followed him. Tigerstrike followed her, unsure and wary. They slid under a bush after him, but he was no where to be found. But the old, abandoned Tribe camp was.
After Spottedsplash had left the Clans to form the Tribe again, she had taken a empty chunk of territory between SunClan and ThornClan, wishing to stay around the Lake and Fourtrees then live in the old camp.
"Meadow?" Tigerstrike breathed, glancing around the once beautiful camp. "Meadowpaw?"


(ThornClan/DawnClan Border, by Marigold patch— Wildwind: Tom, ThornClan Warrior.)

He waited. He had waited for many days and many hours, earning him the suspicious glares from his Clanmates. He hadn't seen the pretty medicine cat since that last day in her camp.
"Thanks, beautiful." "You don't look to bad yourself."
A slight smirk twitched at the corner of his muzzle, and he laid down, resting his head on his paws, wishing beyond hope that he would see her again.


(FrostClan Camp, by Warrior's den—Shadowfrost: She-cat, FrostClan Warrior.)

Shadowfrost paced, tail lashing. Why was she pacing? Well, quite frankly she didn't know. Her paws itched to do something, but what she couldn't figure out. She had taken out patrols, had finished hunting, and even helping Sparrowwing with her kits. But something didn't feel quite right. She sat down, staring at the sky. StarClan help us.

(Aw yis, let's do this.)

Meadowpaw's ears twitched in annoyance when he first called, but when she heard her real name, her head shot up and she raced over. The long-haired she-cat almost ran into him, but stopped herself just in time. She pressed her cream colored muzzle into his shoulder and breathed out, "Tigerstrike!" then pulled her head back, "Why are you here?"
Sweetfeather ducked under bracken and undergrowth, her lithe form sliding through the bushes and trees easily. Dodging low branches and jumping over fallen logs, she made her way to a familiar area. The diluted calico had told her mentor she had to fetch marigold, which was true, it was always needed, but she also had someone to meet. Conflicting emotions waged a war in her head, everything Nettlewater did that she hated so much was forcing it's way into her mind in the form of Wildwind. She wanted desperately to stop, this was breaking the code she had lived her entire life by. Why should we be kept apart, though? she thought, trying to reason with herself, Who can be hurt from this if no one knows about it?
Rainstar sat atop the highrock (or ledge or whatever), it had been a moon since she had taken over. Ravenstar had seen that the Clans were mostly put back in order and then she had stepped down to be with Sootfeather.
Lilypaw did whatever Frostypaw was doing.
(Aw yis, let's do this.)

Meadowpaw's ears twitched in annoyance when he first called, but when she heard her real name, her head shot up and she raced over. The long-haired she-cat almost ran into him, but stopped herself just in time. She pressed her cream colored muzzle into his shoulder and breathed out, "Tigerstrike!" then pulled her head back, "Why are you here?"
Sweetfeather ducked under bracken and undergrowth, her lithe form sliding through the bushes and trees easily. Dodging low branches and jumping over fallen logs, she made her way to a familiar area. The diluted calico had told her mentor she had to fetch marigold, which was true, it was always needed, but she also had someone to meet. Conflicting emotions waged a war in her head, everything Nettlewater did that she hated so much was forcing it's way into her mind in the form of Wildwind. She wanted desperately to stop, this was breaking the code she had lived her entire life by. Why should we be kept apart, though? she thought, trying to reason with herself, Who can be hurt from this if no one knows about it?
Rainstar sat atop the highrock (or ledge or whatever), it had been a moon since she had taken over. Ravenstar had seen that the Clans were mostly put back in order and then she had stepped down to be with Sootfeather.
Lilypaw did whatever Frostypaw was doing.

Tigerstrike let out a almost breathless gasp when he saw his sister. She had grown...and mentally he winced. Just how long had it been since he had last seen his sister?
"Meadowpaw," meeting her bright green gaze, he forced himself to speak. "I've...I've come to...to ask you if...do you want to come back to DawnClan?"


Wildwind crouched in wait; the fresh, warm breeze of new-leaf washing over his pelt. Each time he told himself he would see the medicine she-cat again, yet each time he didn't. But this time...
He tensed, sitting bolt upright. He recognized that scent. Not the scent of just any DawnClanner, but the scent of DawnClan and herbs. His breath hitched when he saw a diluted calico pelt dashing through the trees, and tentatively, ever so carefully, he stepped forward. "Sweetfeather?"


Firefrost slipped through the brambles of the camp entrance, shaking her pelt when she entered the camp. She glanced up at Rainstar, and bounded up the rocks to reach the black-and-white she-cat. When Rainstar had taken Ravenstar's place, Firefrost had been startled when the new leader chose her for a deputy.
"Rainstar," she dipped her head to the she-cat. "The IvyClan border is still ridden with fox-stench, but they haven't cross into our territory yet. Other then that, Swanfeather reported that the ThornClan border in secure."
(Aw yis, let's do this.)

Meadowpaw's ears twitched in annoyance when he first called, but when she heard her real name, her head shot up and she raced over. The long-haired she-cat almost ran into him, but stopped herself just in time. She pressed her cream colored muzzle into his shoulder and breathed out, "Tigerstrike!" then pulled her head back, "Why are you here?"
Sweetfeather ducked under bracken and undergrowth, her lithe form sliding through the bushes and trees easily. Dodging low branches and jumping over fallen logs, she made her way to a familiar area. The diluted calico had told her mentor she had to fetch marigold, which was true, it was always needed, but she also had someone to meet. Conflicting emotions waged a war in her head, everything Nettlewater did that she hated so much was forcing it's way into her mind in the form of Wildwind. She wanted desperately to stop, this was breaking the code she had lived her entire life by. Why should we be kept apart, though? she thought, trying to reason with herself, Who can be hurt from this if no one knows about it?
Rainstar sat atop the highrock (or ledge or whatever), it had been a moon since she had taken over. Ravenstar had seen that the Clans were mostly put back in order and then she had stepped down to be with Sootfeather.
Lilypaw did whatever Frostypaw was doing.
Frostypaw was on his back, his paws splayed out around him. "Urrgghhh. I'm so boreddd." He groaned, moving his head a bit to look at Lilypaw.

Nightbird stalked back and forth, pausing for a moment to claw at the ground. She twitched her ears, then slipped out of camp, deciding that hunting would be better than nothing.
Tigerstrike let out a almost breathless gasp when he saw his sister. She had grown...and mentally he winced. Just how long had it been since he had last seen his sister?
"Meadowpaw," meeting her bright green gaze, he forced himself to speak. "I've...I've come to...to ask you if...do you want to come back to DawnClan?"


Wildwind crouched in wait; the fresh, warm breeze of new-leaf washing over his pelt. Each time he told himself he would see the medicine she-cat again, yet each time he didn't. But this time...
He tensed, sitting bolt upright. He recognized that scent. Not the scent of just any DawnClanner, but the scent of DawnClan and herbs. His breath hitched when he saw a diluted calico pelt dashing through the trees, and tentatively, ever so carefully, he stepped forward. "Sweetfeather?"


Firefrost slipped through the brambles of the camp entrance, shaking her pelt when she entered the camp. She glanced up at Rainstar, and bounded up the rocks to reach the black-and-white she-cat. When Rainstar had taken Ravenstar's place, Firefrost had been startled when the new leader chose her for a deputy.
"Rainstar," she dipped her head to the she-cat. "The IvyClan border is still ridden with fox-stench, but they haven't cross into our territory yet. Other then that, Swanfeather reported that the ThornClan border in secure."
Meadowpaw looked at the ground, "Well, of course I want to. But it won't be the same. No one will trust me, even though I never even wanted to hurt DawnClan."
Sweetfeather felt a sudden hesitation as she once again thought about how wrong this was. It dissipated and she halted a tail-length away from him, "Hello, Wildwind!"
(DawnClan is never going to have a male leader. XD)

Rainstar dipped her head to the she-cat, "Thank you, Firefrost." she nodded, "Send out some extra patrols along their border to make sure everything stays in check. As for ThornClan, I'm glad to hear it."
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