Hello to any and all that are from North Idaho!


In the Brooder
9 Years
Oct 24, 2010
I am currently trying to pass an ordinance allowing chickens in Rathdrum. Yes, I know......for those of you who know how big (haha) our little town is, it gives one a pretty good laugh that chickens aren't allowed in what was once a mostly farming town. I have already brought it before the city council, and they are currently reviewing the pros and cons. So, our next meeting is on Nov. 9th. Three of the council members seemed pretty receptive to the idea. The fourth one, well....not so much. Any advice for me in helping to pass this would be greatly appreciated!

I'm not as far north as you, but I would use the economic argument that you are trying to feed your family well on a budget, and fresh eggs from hens raised on your table scraps should be an option for you. Ignore the pet vs livestock debate. Aim for a reasonable number of hens such as 6 to be kept for that purpose.

Good Luck!
I'm just about to start this campaign in Grangeville.

My plan so far is :
1) do a survey
2) contact other locations that have recently changed zoning and laws to allow backyard chickens (McCall I have heard just change it, and I read either early this year or last year that Haily made the change) and get advice from them.
3) I'm going to have a meeting with like minded individuals, form a committee
4) write at least 1 letter the the editor
5) Circulate a Petition
6) Present a concrete, compelling message with evidence, survey and petition to the City council in January.

The arguments I have are primarily economic, but also historical, heritage, tradition.

I'd would appreciate any and all help from people who have been through it, or people who are in the area, and want to support it.

Don Fletcher
Grangeville, Idaho
Any luck with changing the zoning and laws for backyard chickens in Grangeville? Where does everything stand now?

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