Hopeful for ordinance change newbs in Wisconsin! :-)


Sep 12, 2015

Chris and fam here in small-town Wisconsin. My wife grew up on a farm and myself in the big city. We currently live in a small town (pop. 5k) that's voting Tuesday (I just found out today) on allowing 3 layers in town. The closest big city (Madison, WI) allows 3, but our city council is split 4/4 on allowing the change, with the 4 against being firm, and the 4 for being loosely to solidly in favor of changing the current ordinance to allow it. I believe the mayor will be the tie breaker. I'll be digging through the appropriate ordinances sub-forum, and sure would appreciate any last minute pointers or links to useful threads that I should zero in on. In the meanwhile, warm "hellos" from here, and I DO plan on hanging around regardless of how the current vote goes; our hearts are in the country, and God willing, we'll be there (with chickens!!) sooner or later, regardless of the pending city vote!

-Chris :)
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If you have not already done so, check out this forum. Hopefully it will point you in the right direction.
Nice to meet you Chris. I think you should post on your state thread pronto. You may have chicken neighbors that will rally behind you for the ordinance change. Just put "Wisconsin thread." in the search box and it should pop up. Hope you will be successful. I always say "If Chicago allows chickens, everywhere should."
Hi Chris, welcome to BYC!

Here's a link of laws and ordinances in WI that may be of help to you. If nothing else, you can see what other towns in your state are doing.

Good luck getting approval to have chickens. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Thanks for joining us!
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