how to care for ducklings

O have a question. About the niacin .i feed game feed starter and it has a niacin supplement listed in the ingredients. Do I still need it? My ducklings are 4 days old.

Does it state the exact amount or percentage of niacin per serving? I don't know about game starter but my chick grower that I fed my ducks also states that it had niacin as an ingredient but does NOT include as much as ducklings really need. Maybe someone else can comment on game starter niacin? I would think that supplemented niacin would still be needed because ducks need extra niacin where other birds do not...
O have a question. About the niacin .i feed game feed starter and it has a niacin supplement listed in the ingredients. Do I still need it? My ducklings are 4 days old.
I would still supplement it. It's proper still not the level they need.
What kind of treats can you feed a two week old duck? I found some earthworms today for my hens and got to thinking about what kind of treats ducks like and at what age they can have them. The baby ducks were having fun today in the kiddie pool catching bugs that flew past them. We have these lovebug looking bugs flying around everywhere right now. All the birds are having fun catching them.

What kind of treats can you feed a two week old duck? I found some earthworms today for my hens and got to thinking about what kind of treats ducks like and at what age they can have them. The baby ducks were having fun today in the kiddie pool catching bugs that flew past them. We have these lovebug looking bugs flying around everywhere right now. All the birds are having fun catching them.

I start out givng shreddeed romaine lettuce, meal worms and smashed peas frozen and then thawed. always be sure they have access to grit when feeding anything other than reg starter feed. Some thawed peas thrown into the pool would probably be a big hit. They are so cute.
I started mixing chick grit in with the feed a few days ago. I mixed it in as recommended on the bag's instructions. Will I always need to supply grit for the ducks? My adult hens I don't give grit to anymore. They seem to be getting along well without it.
I just sprinkled a little on top of the feed, per Storey's Guide to Raising Ducks. Just a little every day until they were outdoors regularly enough to get grit on their own.
My youngest are 4 wks they have chest feathers and tail feathers but backs still fluff my other ducks all feathers completely by 8 wks

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