I Miss Old BYC!!!

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I just donloaded Google Chrome.............its not much faster
. This website is so confusing now!! I cant find anything!! I've got to say that the only thing keeping me here is the great BYC community and all its knowledge, other than that..........I realy miss the old layout of BYC, and how fast it used to be, but I do like some of the little features there are, but most of them are just to much.
Im using Chrome and have had no problems at all with slow loading or scrolling. As far as finding everything, its not that difficult, plus theres a lot of new features that Im finding as Im bumbling around. I think in a week or so, we'll have a LOT of people posting how much they really love this new site.
I gotta just say that I'm one of those anal retentive people that hate change. I hated it with FB, but I got used to it--grudgingly. I hate that I get that way, but as with anything else, I will eventually embrace it.

Me too! Really anal retentive LOL! Eventually I will get used to it! Like when we did the transfer from Yuku to here.
My scrolling seems to be a bit choppy to.They have newer versions of chrome? I thought it was all just one Google Chrome..........are the other versions free?

It's all the same chrome but they issue updates from time to time and if the update is serious enough, it changes the version number. The one I'm using now is version 16.0.912.75.
Ok, I like google chrome because its faster, bu it doesn't have all the toolbars at the top like IE does......and the scrolling is starting to annoy me! But I guess overall its pretty good
I hope we get POW back... I like the larger avatars....the instructions were easier to follow so I FINALLY got one for my un-named self. I do like the new forum in general, could live without the ads and reviews on the right. They are kind of distracting. I like seeing how many people are looking in a particular forum at the moment.
Overall, thumbs up. Thanks for all the hard work that went into it mods!
I hope we get POW back... I like the larger avatars....the instructions were easier to follow so I FINALLY got one for my un-named self. I do like the new forum in general, could live without the ads and reviews on the right. They are kind of distracting. I like seeing how many people are looking in a particular forum at the moment.
Overall, thumbs up. Thanks for all the hard work that went into it mods!

I am really wishing we get POW back
some one posted previously in this thread that Nifty's working on it, I hope it comes out soon!
Quote: Keep your eye on the carousel on the home page!

He's excited about what he plans to do with this -- but I just saw his post that he's had something like 7 hours of sleep in 3 days -- patience!
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