I Miss Old BYC!!!

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I hope we get POW back... I like the larger avatars....the instructions were easier to follow so I FINALLY got one for my un-named self. I do like the new forum in general, could live without the ads and reviews on the right. They are kind of distracting. I like seeing how many people are looking in a particular forum at the moment.
Overall, thumbs up. Thanks for all the hard work that went into it mods!

not 100% sure but I think there is a way to turn the ads off, I was cruzin around lastnight under account settings and i think I seen where you could turn them off, may want to check that out =)
I am trying to embrace this new change, but I am finding it difficult. I miss the old BYC, too.

A quick question-

Is there any way to turn off the colors and fonts in other people's postings? I know a lot of folks love this new ability to write in colors, but I find it irritating. (It's hard to take someone seriously when they write in rainbow colors.) And the bigger fonts may be easier to read for someone with visual issues, but I don't have visual issues. The bigger fonts just make people seem like they are yelling at us. Can I shut these down on my end so that the postings just come in as standard text?

Thanks for any help that is offered.
No way to turn them off. But there is a limit to this and when it goes overboard report it. Right now the kids are playing with the new toys just like we did with this forum on the original run.
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Nifty, go to bed and get that well earned sleep! It just won't do you any good if you are like that bassett hound with black bags under your eyes and nerves are frazzling! It is alot of work but like the rest of us, we just have to be patient. At least my stress levels are down a bit but still don't like it. Waiting for it to grow on me.......

Get rid of that side review bars, I see no purpose in it. If ads are a must to keep BYC going, at least do it on top or bottom of the screen...that way I can only go so far and not have to hit the ads over and over LOL!
I also prefer the old BYC. I understand the need for change, but this one runs tooooo slow for me. I run out of patience having to wait 15 to 20 seconds every time I click! I'll come back from time to time to see if anything has changed, but will no longer be able to "sneak on" for a minute or two when all my time is spent in just waiting.
The features are nice but I am finding the site is slow.

The designers should have remembered that many folks who are owned by our chickens live in rural communities that DO NOT have broadband. The chickens only have access to dialup or satellite internet and so that's what we need to use.

Ruthster and the other roosters have made the decision to live in a rural area so that we are allowed to proclaim the time when the sun comes up....we can't just up and move to Downtown Metro (with unlimited broadband but also sky-high rents and homeless ppl) because the city slickers won't tolerate our Ur-Urrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! You gotta know by now that farmers never get a break.
Get rid of that side review bars, I see no purpose in it. If ads are a must to keep BYC going, at least do it on top or bottom of the screen...that way I can only go so far and not have to hit the ads over and over LOL!

I'm sure that is just a place holder- before long it will actually have interesting content, most likely contextual stuff. Links to threads with related info to what you're currently reading, or maybe (I hope) links to BYC pages of people whose posts you're reading, or picture of the week, etc.

That space actually has great potential- just view it as a place holder for now and ignore it.
I'm sure that is just a place holder- before long it will actually have interesting content, most likely contextual stuff. Links to threads with related info to what you're currently reading, or maybe (I hope) links to BYC pages of people whose posts you're reading, or picture of the week, etc.

That space actually has great potential- just view it as a place holder for now and ignore it.

Problem with such a silly placeholder (don't get me wrong, I love everything about the new BYC except for that) is that a lot of us are now blocking it out with ad blockers, as it's so annoying. We may not see the 'cool new thing' they put there and/or we'll be used to having all that space for posts now that the sidebar is gone. Better to put nothing there and add in the good stuff later, IMO.

I am really loving the recent activity feed, so I think the rest of NewBYC is great so far. :)
I also prefer the old BYC. I understand the need for change, but this one runs tooooo slow for me. I run out of patience having to wait 15 to 20 seconds every time I click! I'll come back from time to time to see if anything has changed, but will no longer be able to "sneak on" for a minute or two when all my time is spent in just waiting.

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