I Miss Old BYC!!!

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I personally LOVE this new format. So much more information in a much more organized fashion in my opinion. The new breed pages are exceptional and I think the forums havent changed one bit at all except in how the page itself looks. It is a changed that needed to happen as were the changes to the previous versions of BYC thru the years. Things change and we have to adapt or be lost to the ages. I dont think it will cause anyone to leave either....Just be patient, look thru the pages and come to the realization that the things that made BYC a good place to visit are still here.
Great job to Nifty and all of the admins on making such a big change.
Now back to discovering all of the new features on this format........
I don't hate it, not at all. In fact I think it's really great and I'm having a lot of fun exploring all this new stuff
To me it's very refreshing to learn new things and move forward. I'm not afraid to click a link and see where it takes me, and I'm not afraid to actually look a few things up on my own and try to fix my own issues. The tutorials, suggested reading, FAQs and a lot of the 3 mile long complaint threads have been really helpful (JUST DO SOME READING, YOUR PROBLEM HAS PROBABLY ALREADY BEEN ADDRESSED/ANSWERED 5 TIMES ALREADY!). Nifty and the staff have been going above and beyond to help as many of us out as they can. Look thru the posts, there's been someone here answering questions and offering solutions pretty much 24 hours a day (and lots of helpful members doing the same!).

There were a lot of things that weren't perfect with the old BYC format (Sorry Nifty, lol), besides the fact that it was rapidly approaching the point of self distruct/massiveimplode. And I'd rather have a new format than no BYC at all :) But you just watch, the majority of those that have stomped off mad and frustrated will eventually be back... cuz even when you're mad, ya just can't stay away from this place

Altho I didn't really use all of the features/options and sections of BYC before
, I think The New BYC is just awesome! This change has really opened my eyes to discovering a lot about BYC that I never even knew existed. To be brutally honest, I've learned the majority of new things about BYC in general just from reading all the complaining and whining the past few days, lol (not to mention I got quite a few laughs from a lot of the posts too). So it's been a win-win situation for me, all the way around

Glad to see that a lot of the negative people are starting to adjust and accept the reality of The New BYC, and that the high pitch whine is finally starting to tone down as more and more people are able to figure things out and move on with their normal (daily) BYC activities. I'm sure it will only get even better as time goes on when all the bugs and kinks have been worked out and some new things are added or some old things are brought back.

Kudos to all the Staff for hangin' in there and being as helpful as they can... hopefully all you guys have some hair left and have finally quit eating ibuprofen and acetaminophen like they were pez candies
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Pictures are easy, subscriptions are easy (you can delete them all at once now, yea!), etc. Lots to be happy about here. I haven't had issues here that I did on the other site so far. And I did have almost daily issues on the old one-just ask Rob about my whine fests and my complaints about why it was bogged down, why I couldn't submit, why it was timing out constantly, etc. I'd literally have to leave the computer and come back later when I got too frustrated. It would go fast, then bog down on a daily basis. Hasn't happened here, though we know there are still glitches in the new system being worked out.
Im thoroughly enjoying the new site. Once you learn all the neat stuff here, like any other new site, its very easy to use. And if theres something you cant find or dont understand, just asking gives you lots of answers.
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Pictures are easy, subscriptions are easy (you can delete them all at once now, yea!), etc. Lots to be happy about here. I haven't had issues here that I did on the other site so far. And I did have almost daily issues on the old one-just ask Rob about my whine fests and my complaints about why it was bogged down, why I couldn't submit, why it was timing out constantly, etc. I'd literally have to leave the computer and come back later when I got too frustrated. It would go fast, then bog down on a daily basis. Hasn't happened here, though we know there are still glitches in the new system being worked out.

I remember those days. I'm surprised that platform didn't implode before the move.
Red pencil is the edit function. Just plug your page title into the search function. If you want to be more specific use the advanced search because it allows you to narrow things down a lot more.
You can also go to the learning center page, click on member pages and put you name in the search box there. Many ways to do things here.
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