Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

I am bummed.... I am not going to be able to hatch with the hatch thread that I started

My dad is visiting and is still recovering from cancer from the base of the throat. He is still having trouble eating, but he finds the quail eggs easy to eat, easier than my chicken eggs No quail eggs to incubate..... There are some quail eggs in there right now... I can't remember when they are due.

I am happy that I can help my dad... Poor man has been living on a very restricted diet, so it is good he can eat the quail eggs.
Wishing your dad a smooth recovery and so glad you are there to help and support him! Definitely stick with us...we can all use some cheering and support
Hubby and son are gone for the week. Daughter goes to Grandma and Grandpas this afternoon, so there will be no witnesses to the dozen eggs arriving in the mail tomorrow.:celebrate

Baghhhhhaha! Must control egg obsession, no more incubator space!
LOL...nice!  There always LOOKS like there are more eggs in the bator than there REALLY are...right???;)  

Right! The way I calculate, there will be some that won't be fertile, some won't develop, some will die in the grow out time, I owe my friend one or two for the eggs she gave me. I promised some to 4h kids so that basically leaves me with almost zero chicks, Right?
Right! The way I calculate, there will be some that won't be fertile, some won't develop, some will die in the grow out time, I owe my friend one or two for the eggs she gave me. I promised some to 4h kids so that basically leaves me with almost zero chicks, Right?

Yep..Yep..that sounds EXACTLY right!!!! LOL :thumbsup


And actually.... Sadly true too.

I am actually thinking that the 60+ chicks I hatched this spring and summer are only barely end up as enough chickens.

I have lost a few here and there, and some of my rooster/hen ratios have been, uh :hit

Of the five chicks that hatched from my most expensive eggs, the only DEFINITE female, I just went out and killed (long story..but anyway, I couldn't heal her, she was in pain.. There we are). The four left, three are definite roosters. The last one, LOOKS like a female, except the comb is starting to now show some pink, she is only about five weeks old. :barnie

And actually.... Sadly true too.

I am actually thinking that the 60+ chicks I hatched this spring and summer are only barely end up as enough chickens.

I have lost a few here and there, and some of my rooster/hen ratios have been, uh

Of the five chicks that hatched from my most expensive eggs, the only DEFINITE female, I just went out and killed (long story..but anyway, I couldn't heal her, she was in pain.. There we are). The four left, three are definite roosters. The last one, LOOKS like a female, except the comb is starting to now show some pink, she is only about five weeks old.
Sorry about the losses. I have kind of learned to handle most of that okay, but my hubby is even more soft hearted and eventhough he gets frustrated with my chicken fun, he is sad everytime we lose one. Maybe this will cheer you up!

How could you not love that face!!!
Sorry about the losses. I have kind of learned to handle most of that okay, but my hubby is even more soft hearted and eventhough he gets frustrated with my chicken fun, he is sad everytime we lose one. Maybe this will cheer you up!

How could you not love that face!!!
Very pretty coloring! My hubby is in love with our girl and tolerates my chicken obsession very well
Very cute picture!

And yep, I am a bit of a softy too.... But my biggest disapointment was that the defective one that I killed might have been the only girl!

I am gonna be majorly bummed if I don't get a female. They are bantam Ameraucana. I have three wheatens, two are clearly male, and number three, I THOUGHT was a girl, but now has some pink on the comb. I need to get a good picture and post it.... I am gonna be MAJORLY disapointed if I don't have a breeding pair. :hit

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