Incubating eggs to hatch about August 8th

Anyone have eggs in long enough to check for veins yet?

@Puddin Fluff i like Dorkings, very pretty!
Not yet...just put mine in the bator last night
How many eggs?

I set 31 pea eggs that were mailed to me, it appears they got pretty abused by the post office or were duds to start with, right now it looks like only 8 of those are viable, pulled two that were obviously scrambled already going to give the rest another week before I dump them some are obviously clears but some I'm not going to make the judgement just yet...

I set 8 pea eggs that I got from my local supplier, 7 of those look good 1 was a clear... (these are actually due on the 12th)

I set 8 guinea fowl that were mailed to me, 7 appear viable, 1 was clear...

I also set 8 guinea fowl eggs from my local supplier, these are freebies I get when I pickup the pea eggs, as his male guineas lost their spunk a few weeks back... I had been getting guinea eggs from them all season and up until a few weeks back I was getting a 90%+ hatch rate, then *poof* light a light bulb going out a few weeks back all his guinea eggs started to be duds... But, surprise looks like maybe one of those 8 is going to take off, that will be the first one out of the about the last 30 or so...

And last I set 7 chicken eggs from a hen that just started to lay her first eggs about two weeks ago, they are supper mini sized and I don't have much optimism but what the heck we need more full sized chickens... Too early to see veins in those, they are also real deep brown so hard to candle...
My shipped eggs finally made it. I was hoping for Saturday but ohwell.
I received 6 Lavendar Orps and 6 silkies. One of the silkies was cracked.
I had asked him to fill in with silkies of his choice. I emailed him to let him know they made it and asked about his color codes: CS, X, & WSI. My guess is CS is cream but not sure on the others. I had asked for no whites but not sure if he got that before he packed so WSI may be white.

Candled the first batch of 16 backyard banties and pulled 5 that were obviously clear. I wasn't sure on some as the shells were darker/thicker and harder to see so I left them. I certainly saw some "floaters" as I like to call them so some are beginning to develop.
Hope the bators stay true.
I set 31 pea eggs that were mailed to me, it appears they got pretty abused by the post office or were duds to start with, right now it looks like only 8 of those are viable, pulled two that were obviously scrambled already going to give the rest another week before I dump them some are obviously clears but some I'm not going to make the judgement just yet...

I set 8 pea eggs that I got from my local supplier, 7 of those look good 1 was a clear... (these are actually due on the 12th)

I set 8 guinea fowl that were mailed to me, 7 appear viable, 1 was clear...

I also set 8 guinea fowl eggs from my local supplier, these are freebies I get when I pickup the pea eggs, as his male guineas lost their spunk a few weeks back... I had been getting guinea eggs from them all season and up until a few weeks back I was getting a 90%+ hatch rate, then *poof* light a light bulb going out a few weeks back all his guinea eggs started to be duds... But, surprise looks like maybe one of those 8 is going to take off, that will be the first one out of the about the last 30 or so...

And last I set 7 chicken eggs from a hen that just started to lay her first eggs about two weeks ago, they are supper mini sized and I don't have much optimism but what the heck we need more full sized chickens... Too early to see veins in those, they are also real deep brown so hard to candle...
You are busy!!! Glad you joined us!
My shipped eggs finally made it. I was hoping for Saturday but ohwell.
I received 6 Lavendar Orps and 6 silkies. One of the silkies was cracked.
I had asked him to fill in with silkies of his choice. I emailed him to let him know they made it and asked about his color codes: CS, X, & WSI. My guess is CS is cream but not sure on the others. I had asked for no whites but not sure if he got that before he packed so WSI may be white.

Candled the first batch of 16 backyard banties and pulled 5 that were obviously clear. I wasn't sure on some as the shells were darker/thicker and harder to see so I left them. I certainly saw some "floaters" as I like to call them so some are beginning to develop.
Hope the bators stay true.
YAY!!! how exciting!!!! Can't wait until I start to see mine develop...will feel better to know they are starting!!! Did you have any issues with shipped eggs with loose or detached air cells?

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