International Black Copper Marans Thread - Breeding to the SOP

sorry to hear about your pullet .

the man who told you .chicken die s ,he was not laying .

can be from inbreeding too .maybe Antonio and one the pullet are true sibling?

can be genetic too .

mortality of the chicks under 3 months cane be caused by chicks hatching after day 21( day22/23/24)
mortality of the chicks over 3 to POL can be caused by chicks hatching before day 21.

there is many factors causes the chicks to die .
we have to do our best to breed them healthy /strong and resistant .

chooks man

the pullet that died probably was hatched on day 19. I have other 3 hatched on day 20.

the sick pullet was hatched on day 20 (another batch) and she might be luna's and marco's chick (full siblings).

she is eating. olives and sesame seeds gave her energy but I am going to cook some rice as well. I gave her some kefir for good bacteria as well. the problem is that she has some grains sitting in her crop for too many days. I don't know what to do.
This is killing me! :barnie I got two beautiful eggs today that I want to incubate. I seperated Thor and his three hens. It wont be two weeks till tomorrow is it close enough???? Need chicks!:jumpy
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I have hatched chicks from a pullet I thought was clean after 2+ weeks and come to find out she still wasnt clean from the previous rooster. That is an extreme case and normally 2 weeks is suffice. Your circus, your monkeys. Do what you want. :lol: I know exactly how you feel when you badly want to set eggs. Just know it is still possible the chicks could be off the previous roosters.
the pullet that died probably was hatched on day 19. I have other 3 hatched on day 20.

the sick pullet was hatched on day 20 (another batch) and she might be luna's and marco's chick (full siblings).

she is eating. olives and sesame seeds gave her energy but I am going to cook some rice as well. I gave her some kefir for good bacteria as well. the problem is that she has some grains sitting in her crop for too many days. I don't know what to do.

the grains are stuck in her crop because empty . worm rice will help her get ready of the grains .
Apple CV is good too to kill any bacteria in her crop .
when the chooks are sick a wet food is better for them than grains .

chooks man
I have hatched chicks from a pullet I thought was clean after 2+ weeks and come to find out she still wasnt clean from the previous rooster. That is an extreme case and normally 2 weeks is suffice. Your circus, your monkeys. Do what you want. :lol: I know exactly how you feel when you badly want to set eggs. Just know it is still possible the chicks could be off the previous roosters.

take some times to 3 weeks . those are very good hens to breed from .

chooks man
take some times to 3 weeks . those are very good hens to breed from .

chooks man
I guess I will have a omelet in the morning! If I don't they will end up in the incubator. As much as I want to hatch those eggs. I am going to wait another week. I hope the eggs will be good to hatch at 3 weeks. I hope they don't stop laying!!! That would be my luck!
Tony2's comb looks like it is frostbitten. Very cold here this morning, low 20's. We will be above freezing around 1000. All chickens look good. You would think the hens combs would be worse than the rooster/cockerels.
I was noticing that on the Facebook page where I have a order in for Birchen Marans. They show where he is working on a lacing project. Shouldn't Birchen be solid black chest? Down lower on the page show Birchen with the solid black chest. Maybe I should be specific and say I want chicks from the solid pen not the lacing project.

The birchen project has to do with getting the color into the standard of perfection. The judges have stated that the birchen pattern involves breast lacing a third of the way down the breast, akin to the pattern of birchen seen on Games. I'm actually excited about the change, as it will make breeding easier. So now many birchen Marans breeders are making the move to include a moderate amount of breast lacing to be in line with the current proposed standard.
Edit: I was behind 5 pages. It's good to see so many answers. I should read ahead before repeating what others say. But if you want to see ideal birchen pattern, the modern games have that down.
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Tony2's comb looks like it is frostbitten. Very cold here this morning, low 20's. We will be above freezing around 1000. All chickens look good. You would think the hens combs would be worse than the rooster/cockerels.

Hen combs are not as big as the male combs and they can tuck their heads under their wings to protect their combs better. The bigger the comb the more prone to frostbite because it is farther away from the birds body and more difficult to keep warm. The closer the comb is to the skull, the less prone to frost bite like with rose combed and pea combed birds. My straight combed hens rarely get frost bite unless their combs are very large like my Leghorn hybrids who have gotten minor frostbite on a point or two of their combs. My Marans hens' combs look fine even though our temps have been down in the single digits the past few nights. Last night it was 8 degrees F and the night before it was 3 degrees. The roosters havent been so lucky. Apollo has got some pretty bad frostbite now. One of my oldest Legbar cockerels free ranging has frost bite already as well. :(
Hen combs are not as big as the male combs and they can tuck their heads under their wings to protect their combs better. The bigger the comb the more prone to frostbite because it is farther away from the birds body and more difficult to keep warm. The closer the comb is to the skull, the less prone to frost bite like with rose combed and pea combed birds. My straight combed hens rarely get frost bite unless their combs are very large like my Leghorn hybrids who have gotten minor frostbite on a point or two of their combs. My Marans hens' combs look fine even though our temps have been down in the single digits the past few nights. Last night it was 8 degrees F and the night before it was 3 degrees. The roosters havent been so lucky. Apollo has got some pretty bad frostbite now. One of my oldest Legbar cockerels free ranging has frost bite already as well. :(
I agree, I have not had frostbite on my hens. It has always been the roosters. I started seeing some frostbite and put a headlamp in the main house. I hope it helps. Last year all my Marans roosters had pretty bad frostbite and froze off all the points.
Tony2's comb looks like it is frostbitten. Very cold here this morning, low 20's. We will be above freezing around 1000. All chickens look good. You would think the hens combs would be worse than the rooster/cockerels.
Sorry about Tony2's comb! I have been putting a heat lamp in my main house. After I started noticing a little frostbite. I hear that it's not good to use a heat lamp but after all the frostbite on the roosters last year. I thought I would give it a try. It also helps keep the water from freezing.

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