JANUARY 2015 Hatch-A-Long

I think my hatch is through. I have 18. One really late day 22 hatcher still drying off in the bator but I think the remaining 10 quit.


So my one frizzle/frazzle cochin egg hatched yesterday while i was at work. So that must mean my heat issues are resolved which is good news for the younger eggs in the bator.

Still have:

Day 16 - 4/6 frizzle/frazzle cochin eggs in there(2 were clears)
Day 15 - 14/18 khaki campbell duck eggs in there(2 clear, 2 bloodring)
I think my hatch is over as well. 20 hatched out of 29 at lockdown. Leaving the rest in there for a day or so before I start the next round. 1 dozen RIR, 1 dozen Silkies, and 1 1/2 dozen Ameraucanas. Picking them up Saturday and setting Sunday night/Monday morning. So it will be on to the February HAL after this post. Good luck everyone with the rest of the fuzzy butts, and Happy hatching!!!
I cannot even fathom that many... What will you do with them all?
Well if you have not seen any of my other post----I sell most of them----sold about 2000 in the last 6 months----but its alot of "work" messing with the chicks but more work raising the hens/roosters that lay the eggs. My few chickens eat better than 750lbs per WEEK, that alone is moving/handling alot of feed bags.

Now I got to step up hatching---for a while to see how it goes----My first Commercial order----a new Farm/feed store has ask me to furnish him chicks this spring and right on---if they are selling. Time will tell!!
I went on a vacation once and the eggs were to hatch 2 days before I got back. 7/11 hatched the other eggs got kicked away from the light and didn't hatch. I had left them at day 18, and they figured out food and water on their own.

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