JANUARY 2015 Hatch-A-Long

Glad to see this!

Hope you have a great hatch!

I ordered myself a Brisnea Spot Check today, I've been wanting one for a while. Anyone else use one? I've read great things about them here, hopefully it works as well as I've read it does.
I have a laser thermometer, but I'm not sure if it works right. Eggs will read 102 right next to eggs reading 96
The Spot Check is probably better. Now I want one
Uh-oh, There are Modern Game Bantams on ebay!!!!! I just had to bid on them! I may be adding some more eggs to this hatch-a-long! I wasn't planning one getting any more eggs until at least the vDay HAL. But, as you can see, I had no choice!
I candled my 7 eggs today at day 5. I could've see veins in 4 out of 7.

Is it normal for the yolk to look like its rolling around inside the egg when I turn it? It almost looks like the white is watery allowing the yolk to move. This is the very first time I have ever incubated so this is all very new to me!
at the vein stage you should be careful with turning. usually by day 4 the yoke and veins pick a side to stay on. if you see veins it should be good. below is day 2

day 3

day 4

day 6 see the eye?

day 8 egg gets darker..

day 17 see the slope?

by day 16 the whole lower egg should be dark, if not it may take a day longer to hatch.

good luck I am on day 6 with my current batch.
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I want to join!!! I am collecting my eggs this week I wasnt planning on hatching until it warmed up a bit but my chickens started eating their eggs and I haven't figured out who is doing it so have just been grabbing them as soon as they are laid. My rooster is a Plymouth Rock as well as one of my hens and I have two Orphington hens! I'm excited to see how these turn out have been marking all the eggs to see which is which my rooster favors the Plymouth but I'm pretty sure he has been getting the job done. Who knows only time will tell!
at the vein stage you should be careful with turning. usually by day 4 the yoke and veins pick a side to stay on. if you see veins it should be good. below is day 2 day 3 day 4 day 6 see the eye? day 8 egg gets darker.. day 17 see the slope? good luck I am on day 6 with my current batch. [/quote Awesome!!

not fertile store egg.

this is not a good pic- but you can see the dot is bigger in comparison fertile. plus it will be the dot with tiny circle around it.

a fertile yolk looks like a mini white bull's eye, a non-fertile yolk had just a white dot on it.
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Got a new thermometer and hygrometer today. Tested the new thermometer and it was only .3 degrees off of what it should be reading. When it's right next to my original thermometer it reads 1.3 degrees higher than my original so apparently when I thought my temp was at 100 last hatch it was probably only at 99 the whole time! :/ I'm using a still air so I'm pretty sure it should have been at 101 the whole time. Now that makes sense why my chicks looked a bit smaller than they should have been when eggtopsied. Still testing my hygrometers to see if either are reading correctly.

I have the incubator all cleaned and set up and ready to go. I will fire it up on tomorrow night and get the temp and humidity where I want it. Pick up my eggs on Friday and set them on Saturday morning after I make sure temp and humidity are stable.

I am SOOOO excited to give this another shot. I have decided I am going to weigh my eggs to check how my humidity is holding up throughout since I am certain that was my issue last time. Anyone else weigh their eggs and adjust humidity according to weight?

Good luck to those that have eggs in lockdown and possible hatches for tomorrow!!
Moving on over to this thread from the December one! Here is my spreadsheet for this hatch, 6 of 18 shipped eggs remain. Day 18 or 19 depending on set date, breed is Serama, lock down is now, 2 internal pips confirmed a few hours ago! Once they are out I am hoping to set another dozen eggs Serama, provided I find any, so hopefully there will be 2 Jan. hatches here!

Happy new year to everyone!! If I had known some might possibly pop today, I'd have joined the NYD hatchalong LOL

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