Man mailed 15 chicks to ex-girlfriend


11 Years
Aug 4, 2010
San Diego
And, when the ex-girlfriend got them, she said she was going to throw them in the trash, so the postal worker sent to the animal shelter. The note on the box said something like "plenty of chicks out there for me".

Have you all heard about this? And, the new media making a big deal about the legality of shipping chicks through the mail.

2 chicks died during transit, one was injured.
That would be animal cruelty on both sender and receiver.

It would seem the news media could try reporting real news and stop trying to make policy.
I saw it on Huffington Post. It only takes one idiot to cause a stir. Anyone who has ever owned chickens knows that chicks sometimes die whether it be during shipping or even those hatched at home by a broody. But now people who have never owned a chicken and know zilch about them will be up in arms against hatcheries that ship chicks and it could possibly make it harder for people to get chicks from them. The man is a complete moron. Why would you ship a box full of chicks to someone you know doesn't want them? I'm just glad the postal worker didn't leave them there with the woman. Hopefully chicken lovers in that area will get those chicks and give them a good home.
I agree, I don't care how much you hate someone, you don't send live baby animals to someone who can't care for them or doesn't want them. I would think that if we hated each other so much, the person I sent the chicks to would definitely hurt the innocent animals. Sounds like they both deserve each other.

I also don't like it that the news media is trying to make it that it should be illegal to ship chicks through the mail. They should learn more about it, first.
They don't care if what they report is true or accurate….news is entertainment. The goal is to stir an emotion, so folks will watch dumb stories and not pay attention to the real issues. Just a smoke screen like the Wizard of Oz.
I agree, I don't care how much you hate someone, you don't send live baby animals to someone who can't care for them or doesn't want them. I would think that if we hated each other so much, the person I sent the chicks to would definitely hurt the innocent animals. Sounds like they both deserve each other.

I also don't like it that the news media is trying to make it that it should be illegal to ship chicks through the mail. They should learn more about it, first.
Now, I got a slightly different story. He's a jerk, she's a jerk; fortunately, the postal worker had the good sense to step in and take responsibility for the animals. As one newspaper pointed out, it isn't illegal to ship chicks, and there are rules about how to do it. It's a person at an animal shelter (and as we all know, those folks never, ever have personal axes to grind
) that said it should be illegal to ship chicks, not the news media.

What he did wasn't illegal. Dumping anything that is alive on someone that doesn't want it is stupid, but you can't be prosecuted for that. Had she put live animals into the trash, she could have been charged with animal cruelty; it's a good thing for her the postal worker had better sense.
It has been shocking to me how many people in our town have left their babies in the car, gone to work all day and forgot they were there. Some have died, others hospitalized…several were in summer heat in a closed car all day.

Lots of strange people in this world.
just because a news station says it doesn't mean its right. if they make it illegal to send live animals USPS businesses like would be out of business plus other hatcheries. this is a demostic issue not a postal issue. like others said its legal and the post office has strict guidelines on sending live animals.
I don't think any of you should really be calling the guy or girl jerks because its doubtful you all know the Entire story. it always easy to put your nose in the air and say your better than others when your part of a group. harder to investigate and understand the motives. I'm sure each action by both party was provoked.

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