You should train the chickens to scratch it clean for you.   What do they think they can just roost all day?
LOL...but I think 6 inches of snow over a 500 foot driveway would defeat them....even my pigs looked at me today and said, um, we aren't plowing today, lady, and crawled back into their bed!
SunnySkies, I can relate to your situation! I, too, have a 500 foot driveway that is subject to some drifting.
I was very fortunate in that about 19 years ago, my mother gave me an 8 HP snowblower. It has worked well with some maintenance now and then. But the biggest problem I have is the loose gravel that gets caught, binds a blade, and then crunches the shear pin. I usually go through 2-3 shear pins in doing the driveway.

Even with the snows so far this year, I have not had to use the snowblower yet. LOL - Getting it out of the shed could be a challenge since I have a brooder in the way!
We have gravel in the top drive, but the prior owner paved the road up itself. It helps, but it gets super icy. Hubby parked at the bottom of the hill so I can easily get out of here in the morning. But then he tells me the road we live off of is kind of crummy still...I hope I don't slide off into the trees!
We really need a snowblower. Sigh. No dinero for one right now. We plow by hand :drop

You live too far North.. we got a dusting and a little icing down here.. in the past ten years had to push snow with the FEL on the tractor only one year.
I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck to everyone here. I have decided that BYC is a hostile environment and I am tired of people insulting my breeding programs. It used to be a fun place to hang out.

I am not leaving chickens but decided that the constant attacks are not healthy nor fun. So if you see me in the show or swaps, please stop and say hello. Stay warm today. It got down to 6 degrees here in Upper Marlboro..

Goodbye Maryland.
I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck to everyone here. I have decided that BYC is a hostile environment and I am tired of people insulting my breeding programs. It used to be a fun place to hang out.

I am not leaving chickens but decided that the constant attacks are not healthy nor fun. So if you see me in the show or swaps, please stop and say hello. Stay warm today. It got down to 6 degrees here in Upper Marlboro..

Goodbye Maryland.
It is unfortunate that BYC is losing someone with such a fascinating group of birds. It seems to me that those who would criticize a persons breeding program are a bit ignorant by default. Each breeder has their set of goals and traits they breed for. Sure, there are some basics that you would want to keep in mind, but a guy like me who is looking for some birds to free range and provide me with food is going to breed a bit different than someone who is looking to show birds. My philosophy would even vary by breed a bit. As I bring in Cream Legbars, I will look at them differently than I do my free range flock.

Sure there will always be differences, but there is no single correct philosophy and we learn and grow from sharing ideas and experience.

Will, I don't know you well, but if it is any consolation I have heard nothing but good things about you from my brother. He seems to think your are the type of guy the Chicken Breeding community needs more of.

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