That's fine. My family was given a bad fast curve ball late last week so I wouldn't have been able to do anything this past weekend.
Yes! Please do let me know. If they are close to being grown out, I maybe able to talk a friend into processing them if he gets some.
I can only hope and ask! You can post here with my name and it will send me an email saying that you posted mentioning me. Thank you for considering!
That's fine. My family was given a bad fast curve ball late last week so I wouldn't have been able to do anything this past weekend.
Yes! Please do let me know. If they are close to being grown out, I maybe able to talk a friend into processing them if he gets some.
I can only hope and ask! You can post here with my name and it will send me an email saying that you posted mentioning me. Thank you for considering!
Will do @hbhoffman ! I am new to posting and wasn't aware that naming a person w the "@" symbol would send them a notification. Good to know! My chicks are only 2.5 weeks now so the fellas wont be ready for quite some time but I will let you know if I have too many for my dinner coop. Hope your family is doing OK now.
HI Maeschak,
Thank you! I appreciate it! Ok, So another curve ball... where I keep my chickens has a new development going in across the street. I may have to sell off my flock and I'll know in about 2 weeks. Meantime is anyone looking for POL Americaunas, Lavender Orpington, or Bielefielder pair, a trio of Crested Cream Legbars? Just starting to line up possibilities...
HI Maeschak,
Thank you! I appreciate it! Ok, So another curve ball... where I keep my chickens has a new development going in across the street. I may have to sell off my flock and I'll know in about 2 weeks. Meantime is anyone looking for POL Americaunas, Lavender Orpington, or Bielefielder pair, a trio of Crested Cream Legbars? Just starting to line up possibilities...

Where are you? You've probably said before. Sorry.
I'm on MD Eastern Shore, Denton. I am looking for a broody hen to hatch my eggs to expand my flock. She doesn't have to be anything special (breed wise, can be a mutt). I have small children that like to play with our chickens as we keep them for fun (pets) and eggs so she needs to be nice, preferably friendly. Indifferent would be ok too just not nasty. Even my 4yr old son can pick up some of ours. Even our Roosters are nice tho not cuddley like our Red Stars.I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for her. I know that their are people that only have their flock for egg production and broodies don't fit there program. That's what I'm looking for. A broody someone doesn't want for what ever reason. Just want some babies from our chickens..

I currently have, hen wise: 4 Red Stars (they rule the roost), 2 Speckled Sussex, 2 Australorps, 2 beautiful mutts (RIR/Red Sex Link X's), 1 Barred Rock, 1 Cream Legbar, 1 Buckeye. Roosters: Black Ameraucana (Top Roo the one I just brought back from drowning), 3mth old mutt (Welsummer crossed on one of my Speckled Sussex hens (hatched at my friends who owns the Welsummer Roo and had a broody hen at that time).

I hope this is not an inappropriate post. Thank you.
Sorry I don't know all the abbreviations for breeds yet. What is a POL Ameraucana. I have a Black Ameraucana Roo (imported from Holland by friends. Supposed to have been a female so I got for free) looking for a couple of Ameraucana girls of a different color for him. Where are you.
HI Maeschak,
Thank you! I appreciate it! Ok, So another curve ball... where I keep my chickens has a new development going in across the street. I may have to sell off my flock and I'll know in about 2 weeks. Meantime is anyone looking for POL Americaunas, Lavender Orpington, or Bielefielder pair, a trio of Crested Cream Legbars? Just starting to line up possibilities...
Oh wow- that would be terrible! Where are you located?

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