May hatch-a-long

Hi I am an elementary school teacher. I’m new here but I have a question about my day 22 hatching chicken eggs. Disclaimer I don’t know what breed they are but there were blue/green eggs and light brown eggs. I am using a mini Brinsea incubator. I had 6 fertile eggs and five have hatched. Two hatched yesterday (one the night before) and then three more last night. I opened the incubator and took the chickens out after doing my best to make sure there wasn’t any external pipping on the last egg. After candling the last blue/green egg I realized that the air sac had grown and I could see a chick’s body inside where I hadn’t been able to tell before. I put more water in one side of the water chamber and put the egg back in. I am so worried that by opening the incubator I might have killed the chick or I might have put in too much water. I probablyhad the lid open for about 2 minutes.
Any advice? My elevation is above 4,000feet with a fairly dry climate, except it isspring.[/QUO
unds like it hasn't even pipped yet, correct? That's when humidity is the most critical. You did not harm it by pulling out the chicks or topping off water .

Sounds like it hasn't even pipped yet, correct? That's when humidity is the most critical. You did not harm it by pulling out the chicks or topping off water. It should be fine.
Update, day 17 over into the start of day 18, final candle done 4/4 have movement at the edge near the air sack, so all alive so far.

So lock down now, day 18 start, or day 18 end?

Whatever is convenient for you. Or same time of day you started the eggs. Either works.

Lockdown is an exciting time. Full of equal parts anticipation and worry.
so ive been looking at my bantam egg has much has i can and there is no progress but i cant really see the pip bc the chicks keep rolling the egg around should i take them out or leave them for the night i am so worried about my egg what should i do when do i help :fl:jumpy

Personally I'd move them. Grab them when they're near an edge. The momentarily drop in humidity will be worth it. Some chicks are a menace to other eggs.
Personally I'd move them. Grab them when they're near an edge. The momentarily drop in humidity will be worth it. Some chicks are a menace to other eggs.
Thanks I took them out but I can not see the pip in my egg it is rolled over right by the wall of the bator should I move it and make sure that there is a pip and not just chick fur

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