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That was a pretty good storm. I imagine those folks a tad north of me in Livingston County got more than their fair share. I hope everyone and everyone's everyone are ok.

HBH, congrats on the new additions, hopefully you'll be posting some cute kiddo pictures
SillyChicken, you drove 200 miles to Flint, I drove 200 miles from Flint farther north!

Up North visiting my family, missing my BF and my chicks. I'll be back Sunday so hopefully not too much happens.
I went to the link and voted. Anyone care to hazard a guess as to how I voted?

That was quite a storm that rolled through her last night. Torrential rain and extremely high winds. Exactly the kind of rain we don't need on our gardens. I haven't been out to check and see if my tomatoes withstood the storm.
Good Morning everyone-

I let the ducks out this morning and then took my dogs out to the field to run and romp and I donated blood to a billion mosquitos.
I missed the storm last night. I went out with friends- and well, we were inside a two story window-less restruant during the storm- I did go out under a canopy to smoke a cigarette and experienced the rain- but that was the extent of what I saw.

I must say I am shocked to hear the news and how bad the storm was- guess I am lucky it wasnt a tornado warning- because I would have been clueless. I hope everyone is okay and has power.

I am trying to figure out what to get my husband for Father's Day- wonder if he would like a chicken...
We survived the nasty storm last night! Our power was out for 11 hours and we just got it back! SO happy that it will be on when the temps hit almost 90 today!! Love my AC!!

How did everyone else do?
Morning Everyone!

Storm was great here - about 3/10's of an inch of rain - not that I'm counting!
Sam, we never did splint Gimpy's leg, but did isolate her last Sunday in a cat carrier so that she couldn't move around much and that did the trick! Her leg has healed, she's putting full wt. on it; does favor it if she's been out too long with us in the garden and goes into panic when she can't see or hear us! I'm going to take her out and slip her in with the rest of the babes tomorrow afternoon when they're free ranging...would do today, but Mom is coming over and she loves to see these "special" cases of chicken care! Plus then she's got something to talk about w/family and friends for the next week...Steve and Nancy's house chicken and how well we take care of our girls!
Rose, do you know the ages of the chicks you gave us? 2 wks by now would you say? One of them is not nearly as energetic as the other two.....not quite sure what's going on there, but we'll keep an eye on her.

Off to do chores before it gets too warm - have a nice day everyone!

Oh yeah, and YES I voted!
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I did my duty as a chicken owner and voted yes on the poll. The gentleman in the article had it right-----chickens are great pets for kids!! My kids have loved having chickens, and they really have learned alot taking care of them.
Good Morning!

I have 16 fewer chickens this morning
Took the little boys all up to the auction! Now I need to head out and rearrange the birds. The meat chicks are getting too hot in the feed trailer. so they will go outside today. I think I have the black ameraucana sold. Just need to arrange pick up next weekend.

Then off to Nashville to MOO-VILLE! I cannot wait

We got a lot of rain and wind. But everything is ok. Garden survived.

Have a great day everyone!

Nice folks at Mooville, they asked us to bring some old tractors there for the day to display (they always have something going on there) and she made sure we had coffee, lunch and ice cream....all on the house. She wants us to come again, but we won't let her feed us for free the next time.

I was out watering in the greenhouse when the storm hit here....man did it come on quick! I ran in the house to help Judy batten down the hatches.

Found out that my pastor from years ago (he retired) passed away. He was one of a kind and I enjoyed his sermons, never found anyone like him since. He did the service when our daughter passed away in 1985, he'll be missed by many.

Got the truck loaded with stuff needed to go to the U.P. and build a garage and cabin addition, so I'll see you all in a couple weeks.

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