Muscovy keepers share your pics!

yeah I figured there would be blood, but im still learning as I go, thanks for the info
It's either filled with blood or some kind of infection. I think I'd try a drawing slave before doing any cutting. I'd be leary in doing it. I have a EE that got her comb caught by another EE it hangs I thought seriously about cutting it till my friend told me when her rooster got frost bite she decided to cut off the dead part and she left him for the night and he bled to death, now how often that happen I have no idea because people cut combs and wattles off of fighting cocks but hopefully they know what they are doing. There's a name for it but I can't remember what it's called.

They couldn´t get up there with clipped wings!  How did you clip them?     

I clipped them the same way I have done my chickens in the past doing the primary feathers on one wing. Think I am going to have to do another wing cause it doesn't seem to phase them at all, they are still flying all over the place.

I clip primaries and secondaries on both wings. It's not pretty, but it keeps them on the ground.

3 of the drakes are headed for freezer camp in a month... so I'm trying to pick which one to keep for breeding.
The nicest tempered one.. you have a choice of black or grey/blue... oh, I´d love to have a blue drake.....

I would also like to know!
I've got a drake with the same thing but it's not hot or infected. It's just like a piece of caruncling all of a sudden balled up and is hanging by a thread. I've been waiting for it the fall off but it hasn't yet. And it's been dangling for a few weeks now.
I've never had this happen and I've had Muscovy for YEARS!
My drake has something like this as part of his caruncling..... and one of my ducks did have one, but the pesky turkey pecked it off. Blood...cleaned her up...all better in no time.

Here´s the drake with his eye on the brood...can you see the bit of caruncling that hangs over his bill? Just the thinnest bit of skin holding it on there...


One of my chocolate barred hatched 10 ducklings this morning!
9 barred babies and 1 solid chocolate.
There's an Ancona in there too (was a single hatch so needed some buddies)
It's either filled with blood or some kind of infection. I think I'd try a drawing slave before doing any cutting. I'd be leary in doing it. I have a EE that got her comb caught by another EE it hangs I thought seriously about cutting it till my friend told me when her rooster got frost bite she decided to cut off the dead part and she left him for the night and he bled to death, now how often that happen I have no idea because people cut combs and wattles off of fighting cocks but hopefully they know what they are doing. There's a name for it but I can't remember what it's called.
By the looks of it, if it needs to be cut off, why not tie it really tight with a clean piece of cord, spray it with blue kote or something, and it´ll fall off like a lamb´s tail. that´s what I did with the the little umbilical hernia of my gosling to stop the bleeding, and gosling is big and chunky. Just do it in the right place, of course......

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