Muscovy keepers share your pics!

I'll update on my last clutch of the season..

Mabel who is mama is the chocolate and white... the rest are the "kids" of coarse most are boys... 3 and 1 ducklet so she looks like she's shrunk. she;s the bird to the far left lol Pretty sure i have a chocolate drake, he's beside his sister...and yes that is a solid white with a cap, that is chocolate too..

and one more this is my most pricey duck(bought her as a 5-6mth old for a lot of money lol) , a solid black i've had her a year now.. she sadly didn't have a successful clutch but did obtain one, a chocolate daughter.

This is licorice and buttons(the baby)

Got 3 ducklings (white muscovy) at what age can I tell if they are boys are girls? and how do I do that? I'm sort of new to raising ducklings :)

If you are not used to seeing them? probably more in the almost 6wk old range... all size, boys are bigger, girls are not, sometimes you almost have this feminine look to the face as well. Females are also very agile, drakes are clunky and bulky.

for instance in this clutch, top bird is a female, the rest all drakes...


Hope you enjoy

this is the only one left out of the 14, on the far right he wouldn't let me get a good picture

so sweet! i love when their that small, they grow so fast though.
In the spring I would like to add a trio of french white muscovy ducks, but I forgot the name of the one place I found that had them. Does anyone know? I guess I have a thing for black and white birds lol, as I have all these white bresse, ayam cemani, silver laced wyandottes, barred rocks, white leghorns, and my muscovies are black and smoke? Silver?

I did notice one of my black females doesn't have patches of white feathers on her head like the others?

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