Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Just found this thread after my first muscovy hen hatched 11 babies. They're 3 days old in these pics. :)



U should take one away and lock her somewhere else for 2-3 days and let the other one sit where Shea sitting. If they both sit on one nest I doubt anything will hatch. That's what happened to my geese...

I've had 2 sit on one nest before and worked out fine, but like I said they keep fighting over eggs and I have no where to seperate. The only place I can put her is occupied it a momma and 23 babies
The picture of the two ducklings in the grass... omg. So sweet

I love the little white spot on Bubba's throat. Makes him look like he has taken holy orders. Maggie is molting, can't wait to see how he turns out. Right now the two boys are getting along amazingly well, worried I will have to rehome one if there are problems when Maggie matures. I was trying for 4 girls and a boy. The best layed plans.... Maggie is more bonded, it would be a hard choice.
Really doesn't matter if there's no swimming.When they go broody they only get off the nest once or twice anyway and they could just pour some water on the eggs or spray them when needed.

I know, I have been breeding a while, just rather things all go naturally instead of stepping in. Not I have another hen sitting off n on on eggs :/. I don't know if I will use the green pen. Now that I think about it, the only place to put her would be in garage and it's way too hot here for that. Think think.. hmmm

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