Muscovy keepers share your pics!

My little girl is growing up!

Daisy at 5 months

Daisy at 6 months
I just went through all 84 pages of posts... wow, lots of beautiful muscovies! I love seeing everyone's pictures! I don't have any photos of my muscovies with me, but I'll try to post some when I'm at home. I have 2 - my aunt got them for me because she knew I really wanted some. The lady she bought them from as ducklings claimed that they were a pair (one was larger than the other), but I'm pretty certain that they're both drakes. I am hoping to find some females and probably get rid of one of my drakes.
Everyone was looking rather gross this morning because of the heavy rain but i really wanted to get a picture of Kahlua on all her eggs..she has at least 16 under her, probably more though since my last count was 3 days ago, lol. She is doing a good job covering them. My red EE hen is trying to switch set with her

ETA: I have to say she did a wonderful job on her FIRST nest! I think she's going to be a good mommy.


She's so cute


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My two muscovies when they were little.

Here they are today (they're a little dirty because had 20+ inches of snowed and it warmed up and melted this week).

Playing in the last of the snow.

I loved them when they were juveniles. They were the sweetest little guys. They seem to be kind of aggressive these days - grabbing my pant leg with their bill and jumping on my leg. I'm assuming that it may be because they don't have any hens around. lol. I found someone on Craigslist with some muscovies and I'm hoping to buy a few hens from them soon. I want to have some little ducklings running around this spring!

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