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Can anyone help me with the duck or drake game? Brand new to ducks. I have been told the birds are about 3 months, when do I need to seperate them from the hens/each other?

Quite a cute bunch there~ they all look like ducks, why would you separate them? age wise i'd go with a bit older too but hard to say definitely under 1yo but could be closer 5mths than 3... i have found variances however in my own flock with the females, my one 13mth old is still quite small.
Ah ok. So by now would I be seeing the more dominant nature of a drake come out?
Have acquired them due to their previous owners ill health, and it was her neighbour who was rehoming them for her. Neighbour could not really tell us very much just that they desperately needed to go. I am terrible for rehoming an animal in need!

no the size lol

Here below... the only duck is the one to the right in the pool, you'll notice how much smaller she is compared to the others.
Ah ok. So by now would I be seeing the more dominant nature of a drake come out?
Have acquired them due to their previous owners ill health, and it was her neighbour who was rehoming them for her. Neighbour could not really tell us very much just that they desperately needed to go. I am terrible for rehoming an animal in need!

You'll see the dominance come out once mating season kicks in lol.
That can be deceitful just as size can be like goingquackers mentioned. One of my girls is massive and she is the dominant one of the flock. My drake is actually far less aggressive than the girls.
Ok here are two very cute ducklings that I am debating if they are young drakes or young ducks or one of each? What say you experts? The first three pictures are one duckling and I think drake but not sure about the other one in the last two pictures. Oh and what is the color of them? I believe they are 8-10 weeks old.

Ok here are two very cute ducklings that I am debating if they are young drakes or young ducks or one of each? What say you experts? The first three pictures are one duckling and I think drake but not sure about the other one in the last two pictures. Oh and what is the color of them? I believe they are 8-10 weeks old.
I'm not an expert, but I think the first one you are right about being a drake. Has a long tail and thick legs. The second I think it a duck , shorter tail and smaller legs. But that's just a guess. Like I said, not an expert. They are both absolutely beautiful!
How early can you tell if your Muscovies are drakes or ducks? I have 17 that are 3 weeks old and starting to get really big but I would love to learn how to tell the boys from the girls.

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