Muscovy keepers share your pics!

Why would anyone want to cause their poor Bull dog to have to have Cesarean because the puppies heads are too large to be born natural? risks to mama and puppies too. And ruin a beautiful lavender Muscovy drake with carnuckles that look to completely cover the eyes Muscovy's in the wild don't look like that. Shouldn't that be the SOP?

Yeah, I mean, they say the more ugly and the more caruncles, the better. But I think it should be even and they should be able to see. My favorites are the ones that have red carucles with red edges.
I totally agree. Some chicken breeds are getting a bit extreme now, too. Why do so many people want to go to the limits and make a beautiful thing ugly, or cause health problems for the things..

The worst of it is in birds like pigeons and parakeets. Look up "balloon cropper" to see what I mean. :/ As an animal care worker I really get upset knowing that some domestic animals are bred to the point where it impedes their lives, like that poor drake's caruncles or a bald chicken who gets sunburnt. And don't get me started on things like Scottish Folds that can have severe spinal deformities. ._.
Spring looks like she'd keep out any intruders, Love the face on the new addition. No name yet?Hope you can get her over this yeast, hard thing to treat.
The new one´s called Blondie, Blossom, Missy, Goosey (she comes when I call the geese!
) And the yeast will be a long-term thing, poor little love. So, no carbs, starve it away!
Yeah, I mean, they say the more ugly and the more caruncles, the better. But I think it should be even and they should be able to see. My favorites are the ones that have red carucles with red edges.
I don´t have one like this, but I think he´s gorgeous!
Too cute!!! I love the duckie head-tilt they do, it's just so adorable XD

Thankyou :) there from that female I've been trying to breed all summer turns out she wasn't sick but she was full off eggs and laid 18 all in one sitting, I don't think that's healthy but hey what am I gonna do, unfortunately only six hatched a male who wasn't the daddy got into the nest and cracked open the rest of the eggs I didn't take up but the little yellow hatched before he did that so I'm happy

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