Muscovy keepers share your pics![/IM
At the end of a rainbow there is Muscovy ducks lol
Hi everyone! I'm new to Muscovy ducks. Actually to ducks in general lol. I picked up this little sweet heart on Saturday at the TSC swap to keep an injured pullet that i have company. The two have become best friends and can't stand to be away from each other. Now, i have no clue how old this little one is but the pullet is a roughly 8 week old welbar. Anyone have a guess as to how old Cocoa is? She's still very skittish with people but as long as Mira is with her, she's pretty relaxed.




She looks like she's maybe 3-6 weeks old from what I can recall. I'm rlly not sure but do you mind me asking what happened to your pullet?
She looks like she's maybe 3-6 weeks old from what I can recall. I'm rlly not sure but do you mind me asking what happened to your pullet?

ThankYou :) Mira got herself stuck in the turkey run. She ran from the turkeys and wiggled between a tree and the fence where they couldn't get her but she got wedged there. In her attempts to get out, she managed to get her head through the chicken wire and became a target for the rest of the chicken flock. She was basically scalped. Her skin was ripped from the top of her head, the whole way down the back of her neck with some chunks of her muscle bitten out too. The chickens had pulled her skin almost over her head. Her eye was exposed competely on the one side and I could see the back side of her eye from under it. That was last Wednesday. When I found her, I thought she was dead, but she's a fighter. I just took her stitches out on Sunday. Those pictures are from Monday morning.
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Mira got herself stuck in the turkey run. She ran from the turkeys and wiggled between a tree and the fence where they couldn't get her but she got wedged there. In her attempts to get out, she managed to get her head through the chicken wire and became a target for the rest of the chicken flock. She was basically scalped. Her skin was ripped from the top of her head, the whole way down the back of her neck with some chunks of her muscle bitten out too. The chickens had pulled her skin almost over her head. Her eye was exposed competely on the one side and I could see the back side of her eye from under it. That was last Wednesday. When I found her, I thought she was dead, but she's a fighter. I just took her stitches out on Sunday. Those pictures are from Monday morning.
Oh my goodness poor Cocoa, they truly are amazing how they can recover for injuries that are so horrific.. Great news she is doing so good now.

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