My Ameraucanas look like hawks :-)


Jul 17, 2009
Saint Petersburg, FL
So, I think the Ameraucana chickens look less like chickens than many of the other breeds.

I recently purchased two purebred Ameraucana pullets (1 black and 1 blue) and I think they are such cool birds. They look so much different than the rest of my flock and they even make different noises compared to the others. I love their little muffs. :) When I show them to my friends everyone always asks "What are those to birds?" To which I reply: "Hawks"... facetiously of course. I can't wait until they start laying.

Anybody else out there feel the same way? :-D
I've yet to have any of my Ameraucanas lay.
I'm fairly new at chicken keeping but I have to say that I've had the most wonderful time with our Araucanas. They're so quirky and friendly and they've laid nearly nonstop (two have been broody).

Have fun with your hawks!!!
(Any pics?)
One of our hens is a beautiful brown and white and her name is HAWK ! Because that is exactly what we thought she looked like. I love how they come in so many different colors and the beards are hysterical on some of them;especially the chipmunk cheek look when they are chicks.
If I have time I will try and take a pic of her to post here tomorrow.
when I bought mine I thought the same thing, they are more slimmer then most chickens. and the eyes and beak look like hawkish

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