My Beautiful Girl


13 Years
Jul 30, 2010
NE Indiana
After looking at the post about the GSD puppies, I went out and took pics. of my girl, Daisy. Had to go in my free-range pen and take them as she was "guarding" everyone---whenever I try to have her sit-stay or just stand for a pic., she always looks like she's scared or something.

Looking at the pigs:

"Guarding" the chickens:

Wondering, "What's taking Mom so long?"
She's also the smartest dog I've ever owned. I don't know how I was so lucky to get her-----it took around 2 years to convince her owner to let me have her. He had her from when she was a tiny puppy, and kept her tied with a logging chain in his backyard from the time she was around 6 mos. I finally got up the copurage one Sunday after church to walk down and see if she was friendly or not. As huge as she is, I assumed she was a male, and when I got close and saw the size of her paws, I thought she was mixed with wolf or something.

I love her color----Red Sable----the same as the 2 male GSDs I was raised with.
chicmom, you wouldn't be afraid of Daisy for long. She's a complete people person, and although she is definately MY dog, she is pretty friendly with everyone who comes over. She even spent an evening following my friend and her tiny baby around----making sure Mom was taking care of the baby properly. When evyone was sitting around, where was Daisy? Laying down right next to the baby's stroller!

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