Newly laying Easter egger question


In the Brooder
May 29, 2018
Hi everyone,
I have 4 ladies just reaching point of lay. They are my first flock and I got them as chicks from McMurray. Two barred rocks have been laying almost everyday for two weeks now. And I have two Easter eggers as well. One EE is lagging behind, no signs or readiness yet. The other EE (Luanne) laid the tiniest egg last week - like only 15g! It did have a teeny yolk. I found it in the sand below the coop (it's a small raised coop in an enclosed run) and then nothing since. She will sit on the other girls eggs for a little while if they are in the box but does not seem to be hanging out in there for extended periods of time. I keep looking for her eggs all around the run and coop but there has been nothing since. Is she just still figuring this whole laying thing out or should I be concerned? It just seems unusual to lay one and then nothing since for over a week. Her vent looks fine and she is active. The signs are all there that she should be laying - squatting, bright red comb, hanging out in the boxes..... Any knowledge or advice would be awesome!
I know! I'm getting eggs, so I'm trying to be patient. I at least know that she is a blue layer from that teeny tiny trial run egg :) I am just nervous that I'm missing something I should be doing.

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