North Carolina

Hi all! Bad news. :( I have a terrible cold or allergies or something. My throat feels like it is on fire and my nose is all stuffed up and my ears are all stopped up and I feel yucky. It's this dag on weather. It can't make up its mind. Now for the worse Wyandotte rooster died early this morning or last night. Poor guy. He seemed fine when I fed them yesterday. I opened up the coop this morning. And there he was...with his brother. :( so sad. Now the worst news! All my roosters seem to be sick!!!! Makes me feel so bad because I have no ide what's wrong with them. I fed them some mashed peas and carrots and mashed up bread and powerade to try to perk them back up. But when one starts doing better the other just gets worse. I want to see if they pull thru the night but at the same time I don't want them to die all alone out there. I tried to let Andy (my blue Andalusian) out and he ran from me. When I caught him and put him back in the coop for "isolation" he just sits there. Walks to his water drinks a sip or two then buries his head under his wing. What the heck is going on?
sbrooks88, I am so sorry for your loss, I have no advise, but lots of sympathy. Bad enough to lose one, but that on top of feeling like crap///
Hope you feel better soon!
I just typed a reply and it just disappeared. :( stupid I phone. It's like when it turns dark out my phone has a mind of its own. Anyway made chicken and rice for supper hoping it would help. Waiting on DH to come home from work to bury my rooster. Icant even dig a hole with boots on our dirt is so hard. I don't think my Andy is going to make it. He just seems so pitiful. It hurts my feelings so bad. On the brighter side our stray cat is still here. It was 10 days ago he got me and I've been keeping close eyes on him to see if he had any symptoms of rabies and he seems to be just fine. Don't really think he's a stray I think he has multiple homes because he's a tom cat. There's a trailer park behind our house through the woods so I'm thinking his really home is back there. Guess I'm fine too except for this darn allergies!
It sounds like you are dealing with something contagious with the roosters. Their immune system does not seem to be as strong as the hens. Maybe MS/MG . Sometimes there are only signs of weakness and not the congestion. I lost a whole flock to it many years ago. Are you NPIP? If so call your agriculture representative in your area and they come out and will check. They are on the look out for the virus that is west of the Mississippi. It is about time for it to head South with the migration of birds and geese. I lost a rooster to a broken hip the other day. He jumped off the roost and landed wrong. It really hurt to put him down. Thank goodness I have some to replace him. Sorry for your loss.

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