November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

How are things going? Having said that most hatch after a pip, a good thing to remember is, when did you find it pipped. They usually will hatch within 24 hrs. I wouldn't let it go longer than 26 hrs .. then I assist. As long as you see that little beak moving, it's good. Don't want to wait until it has stopped...did they hatch yet?

How is the saddle shaped one?
Thank so much for checking in! Yesterday, I discovered that pip on the underside of the egg and saw the little beak. There was no progress by night. Just now, I see that just a bit more shell has been pushed away, in the middle of the egg. I don't see movement. I think we are past the 26 hour point. I think maybe I should get some damp paper towels and sterilized tools.

Nothing from the saddle shaped egg. I will check the underside.
How are things going? Having said that most hatch after a pip, a good thing to remember is, when did you find it pipped. They usually will hatch within 24 hrs. I wouldn't let it go longer than 26 hrs .. then I assist. As long as you see that little beak moving, it's good. Don't want to wait until it has stopped...did they hatch yet?

How is the saddle shaped one?
Update! I think my slow-zipping chick was just lonely while I was at work. I started tapping and talking, and that little chick just started pushing hard and breaking the shell. I think it will hatch on its own tonight.

I candled the saddle shaped egg, and it has what looks like blood spotting in the air cell. That can't be good. I am guessing it didn't make it.
Thank so much for checking in! Yesterday, I discovered that pip on the underside of the egg and saw the little beak. There was no progress by night. Just now, I see that just a bit more shell has been pushed away, in the middle of the egg. I don't see movement. I think we are past the 26 hour point. I think maybe I should get some damp paper towels and sterilized tools.

Nothing from the saddle shaped egg. I will check the underside.
While waiting, talk to the incubator every once in a while to make sure it's responding. If the chick's peeping gets softer, then you'll know it's having trouble, If you are willing to assist hatch, that's the time.

I have found that having a bowl of warm (body temp) water & heat lamp (or even a warmer room) help take away some worry of a chilly chick. I put the bottom 1/2 of egg in the water & am very careful to keep the beak well above the water level. The water helps soak the hardened membranes to make them soft & also makes them transparent. If as you peel a tiny piece of eggshell away with your tweezers, you see blood vessels -STOP. wrap the egg in a warm moist paper towel & put back into incubator. It may take a few checks before it's ready or it may be near death & needs out ASAP. You'll need to be ready for both when you set things up.
Update! I think my slow-zipping chick was just lonely while I was at work. I started tapping and talking, and that little chick just started pushing hard and breaking the shell. I think it will hatch on its own tonight.

I candled the saddle shaped egg, and it has what looks like blood spotting in the air cell. That can't be good. I am guessing it didn't make it.
Good news on the slow zipping chick!

If the egg with saddle shaped air cell has blood, the chick may have torn a vein when it tried to pip. Yes it's a bad sign, but at this point it doesn't hurt to keep it in the incubator until the other eggs hatch. Just don't expect much.
I just did day 7 candle and found 9 clears and 1 quiter in the Breese eggs I purchased :-(
Still have 13 with veining but they seem underdeveloped to what I'm used to seeing with my own eggs. Not a happy day.
I just did day 7 candle and found 9 clears and 1 quiter in the Breese eggs I purchased :-(
Still have 13 with veining but they seem underdeveloped to what I'm used to seeing with my own eggs. Not a happy day.

I'm so sorry that this happened. Maybe the 13 remaining will do better from here out.

Update on my hatch:
My other saddle shaped air cell pipped the wrong end. Somehow it turned it's head back inside the egg and couldn't turn back. It was frantic and erratic, and the membrane had already begun to turn brown so we assisted. We've got it air now which is great, it's resting and absorbing some more yolk. I've taken a tip from the assisted hatching forum and covered the membrane with antibiotic ointment. Hopefully tomorrow it will be ready to hatch on out. Today was day 22 so I'm thinking something was wrong with my thermometer. It seems like my temps may have run lower than I believed they were.

The other two eggs were DIS, probably around day 16 from the looks of them. As for my two that hatched, they're doing great and all fluffed up. I've moved them to the pack and play so they have more room and they're drinking water and sleeping in between exploring and making noise :)
After 26+ hours, with some moving and no peeping, I did intervene with my one surviving shipped egg. I tried to follow the advice given for assisting. There were no blood vessels whatsoever, but the membrane was very tough. It also looks like there is a stringy residue in the lower part of the membrane. I put the chick back in the incubator, half-hatched, to let it finish the work.

I hope little Daisy will be okay. There is a warm, clean brooder waiting.

While waiting, talk to the incubator every once in a while  to make sure it's responding.  If the chick's peeping gets softer, then you'll know it's having trouble,  If you are willing to assist hatch, that's the time. 

I have found that having a bowl of warm (body temp) water & heat lamp (or even a warmer room) help take away some worry of a chilly chick.  I put the bottom 1/2 of egg in the water & am very careful to keep the beak well above the water level.  The water helps soak the hardened membranes to make them soft & also makes them transparent. If as you peel a tiny piece of eggshell away with your tweezers, you see blood vessels -STOP.  wrap the egg in a warm moist paper towel & put back into incubator.  It may take a few checks before it's ready or it may be near death & needs out ASAP.  You'll need to be ready for both when you set things up.  

The one thing I added to this was having some q-tips and neosporin or Vaseline to lightly cover the membrane that keeps it from drying out and pliable

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