November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Looks like the temperatures are supposed to be a bit higher over the next while. The predicted highs in the next 10 days (during the day) are 21°-32°. I do believe these 6 inside chicks will be spending some time outside every day for at least the next 10 days. Time to start getting them acclimated to being outside, and reintroduced to the rest of the flock.
Quail are now 4 weeks. They're still growing, but not as many significant changes this week. Just a little bigger & more head feathers. I believe they are fully feathered now.

The runt is on right. He/she is getting harder to spot among its siblings.
Everyone has such beautiful photos. Mine are always blurry with no pretty backdrops, but they do have cute chicks in them!

Here are my silkies starting to get their big girl feathers (I'm hoping for girls). It appears we have 5 dark, 5 medium color and 1 light one.

I definitely want to start raising quail. We just need to get a spot set up for them.

We lost one of our 12 split chicks yesterday late afternoon. One of the 6 outside. I am not sure exactly what happened, but I suspect it may have gotten startled and panicked and ended up with a broken neck. Or one of my dogs may have accidentally stepped on it. I know they did not attack it, and whatever happened happened suddenly and startled everyone there (me, two dogs, and several chickens). I was just a few feet away but didn't see what happened. The poor thing. :-(
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I simply could not take it anymore, and despite the frigid temperatures, we moved our 6 inside chicks outside. There is not an actual place for them, but they are protected from the wind, and we got them set up with a heat lamp in case they need it. They are fully feathered, but not at all used to the cold. I am sure I will be out there checking on them every couple hours all night long. After a couple weeks, we will move them into the hen house with the rest of the flock. They should all at least kind of know each other by then.
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Good luck! I was going to move mine out today but got caught up in some stuff. Tomorrow, out they go into the brooder/grow-out space in the coop.

Usually they'd be out by now, but my elderly father was house sitting and it was easier for him to watch them inside.
I've been debating moving mine out too. The power went out for 5 hours today and it was just over freezing. They're in the screen porch which is protected from the wind but not heated. They were just fine.
Well, a hawk got in and got four of the half grown roosters (so lucky it wasn't any of the pullets), but other than that, the remaining four are doing good. I've secured the pen so there will hopefully be no more incidents. They will be going to join my sister in laws flock once they get big enough to be integrated.

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