Ended Official BYC Mini Contest #10 - Creative Eggs & Eggshells Contest

Hmmmm, got an idea, I'll try to enter sometime next week.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with
LOL. OK fine.

I got the idea for this when I saw the little seed starters, and thought ''man, wish you could grow herbs like that on your kitchen counter'' well, you can't, but this is second best. Crack the eggs near the top so you've got room to work with it. If you are extremely bored like I was, you can take fingernail polish and write the names of the herbs you are putting in them on the shells. Get the papery white stuff out of the inside. Stick em in there, fill the cups halfway with water and put fresh cut herbs in each one! Not hard, but fun to do, and I came up with it myself, plus it is really pretty on your counter! What do you think?
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I bought the dremel tool for delicate carving, and tried on a few duck eggs, but wasn't very successful. I need to try again. I think it will be easy enough to use, to make the holes for the embroidery eggs though.
I usually get stuck in infinity myself.

I read BYC or watch You tube when I eat if no one's around...like right now.

Nail art became a hobby, turned into a passion after my back issues. You tube trained...lol!
So far I only have done my own nails.
If I hadn't gotten chickens, I was thinking of going to nail tech school. Still am considering it, maybe.

I haven't done chicken nail art. Yet.

Not an Entry

This was my first & third nail art try...lol. (I couldn't try something easier??)

This is the last one I did. Not a great pic but I was in a moving truck..lol.
I'm better with graphics than specific drawings. Anything chicken related will be a very simple idea...or else you may not know it's a chicken...lol!
 i see that you have been working on your eggs, how did they come out??

Still in progress :D

Here is one that I have drilled, NOT AN ENTRY, but I took a pic in case I break it! :lol: I tell ya, this brown egg was tougher than the duck eggs.

(p.s. it's a bear holding a present)
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Wow everyone's egg art is so pretty! I thought I would enter some of the quail egg necklaces I made.

I had so many quail eggs and I always thought the shells looked so beautiful, and very natural without any paint or added color, so I thought I could save them by hollowing them out and using them as Easter decorations. By the way hollowing quail eggs is a whole lot harder than chicken or duck eggs, so tiny and fragile. I then decided to see if I could make them into necklaces. It was difficult making the shells strong enough so they wouldn't break, but after experimenting with different art supplies I was able to get the relatively strong. They never will be completely break resistant, let's not forget they are still eggs :), but they can handle a few drops.


This one was especially hard to make since i had to try and break it just right. It is coated inside and out with the same coating I used on the above egg. I painted the inside with gold nail polish to make it sparkle. And attached a real quail feather for some extra pizzazz. They are quite the conversation starter whenever I wear them. Hope you enjoy!

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