Oh Craigslist, You Amuse Me So!

This was on our local craigslist:

we are overloaded with space
willing to part with as much as you need
please bring a friend and family members, the bigger the vehicle the better
this space can fit in any space, under the bed, in the closet, behind the desk,
under or over the window, that left over egg carton even.
we need to part with as much space as we can, wife has left over space from work.
we keep finding more and more, everywhere we go, more space.
this space has even been in space!
so act now don't delay or we will have more space than we can handle.
no parking space should be without one.
if you have a space cadet as a friend, we have 200.
so if you have a significant other that says they need more space
you now have someone to call to get some.
if someone says they don't have enough space for all their stuff,
hey we got that.
not enough space in your trailer....we're here for you, and there for you.
we are everywhere. spaces unlimited.

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