Ohiki Chicken Thread

Thank You, Boggy Bottoms! I am fascinated with the BLUE! How do you breed to blue?

Thanks, again!
Pretty much no one has them in blue yet . But its an easy color to make. Just get some blacks and breed them to a similar typed bird in blue. The result will be 50% black and 50% blue. Now take the 1/2 breed blues back to black pures again. Repeat the process at least 4 times. By then you should be pretty close to correct birds on solid blue. There are a few working on it already but no pure ones yet that I know of
Thank you for the info. I have been over on the facebook page. The breeder in Poland has some jaw dropping blues! They stopped me cold!
Did Toni mention something about a cochin? A blue bantum cochin? I know I sound pretty obsessive. But I am a painter and that color is the stuff of dreams. lol
Cochin is what she used years ago to help out the stock and add new.colors.

If you have 8 years or so to work on it they would work but it takes a long time to correct the problems from out crosses. Red lobes , short tails , feather leg. Etc

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