OHio ~ Come on Buckeyes, let me know your out there!

Went to the Lucasville swap and saw teenagers cockfighting. Had to explain this to my kids who also saw. Sad this behavior is socially acceptable in this area. I'm beginning to wonder if moving to this area is a mistake. I was disgusted.
That's horrible! Understand why you didn't feel comfortable enough to speak up/out then and there, regardless as to whether you had your kids there or not---if teens felt so 'comfortable' out there in a public area allowing animals to fight for their entertainment I'm sure they would have had no hesitation to face you down. I would have hoped the authorities would have been able to help but again, you'd have no way of knowing if they were part of the problem...tough situation to be caught up in.
Haven't seen our fox again either. We chased ours on foot also, DH even took a shot at it, but missed. Thankfully, the fox was not successful.  We didn't lose any. Yesterday we set up the fiberglass ? fence posts and tied aluminum pie pans to them all along the back of the chicken lot and beyond.  As the breeze/wind blows the pans clank against the posts.  The sun also shines off of them like mirrors. I also have the cheap whirligigs from the dollar store we stuck in the ground.  They are large flower shaped ones.  Hopefully this will deter predators.  We tried this last year and extended it around our garden and we didn't see fox and the racoons didn't get any of our corn.  They have taken most of our corn for several years and this is the first time they haven't gotten any, not 1 ear! We did trap 1 racoon, but no more.  I'm not sure if this method is what worked, but it is the only thing we did different.  Last year we also put the cheap solar lights down behind the chicken lot. I put two together in different spots and at different levels to resemble predator eyes at night.  I've read this works. Like I said, it seemed to work for us last year.  Will see if it works this year.

Thank you i have never bought chicks at feed store before. Thesee silkie chicks are something else they jump in my hands and look for treats! Never had silkies ut tey are fun so far! They have a home with me!
Andddd i totally replied to the wrong post sorry!
I have done this twice in the last couple of weeks!!!
year old hens, just getting over worming treatments. pro biotic n vitamins given regularly n weight in all are fine as well. I confused as why its happening.Thank you mini horse, I started a thread in emergency forum n it covered possible reasons why but none of the reasons listed should be my problem. so strange.I did switch feed a few months ago, is the only difference.
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Hello fellow buckeye birders ! Im in So OH, Lawrence Co. I'm looking for a couple Wyandottes or americaunas.

:welcome and the OH thread! And, of course, the wonderful world of chickens! They are addicting little boogers. Pretty soon you'll have a long wish list full of breeds and varieties. :p Lucasville here (Scioto Co./Pike Co. line).
I can't help with the Ams and Wyandottes, unfortunately. Wyandottes you can order from almost any hatchery (unless you want SQ birds) and even find in some feed stores this time of year. Same with EEs, although true Ameraucanas are harder to get ahold of. I believe there's some great breeders here on BYC though. You might want to peruse the Buy/Sell/Trade section. :)
I've probably mentioned how lousy my incubators are. Homemade styrobator and Brinsea Mini Eco. They kill pretty much everything I try to hatch. Been running them constantly trying to hatch bought and homegrown eggs..
Had my first hatch in months tonight! :weee

This little darling is a white silkie out of the buff hen from OHhappychicks.

And this one has a ton of options that it could be mixed from, but it's almost definitely from my EE hen and LF Buff Brahma roo. My first true homegrown baby (raised both of the parents from chicks..momma is actually one of two that were my first chickens..the ones that started the addiction hehe)! Can't wait to see how it turns out. :D


I'm waiting impatiently for them to fluff out.

I had 3 duck eggs going, too..they were also truly homegrown..and would have been my first duck hatches at that.. They were alive and kicking (little webbed feet against the shell! :love) when I had to swap them over from the Brinsea to the styrobator a few days ago to use the Brinsea as a hatcher for the chicken eggs. And although the temp and humidity read perfect in the styrobator, something is just wrong with it. I candled those ducks again tonight and am 99% certain that stupid bator killed them. :( Eggtopsies will be so sad.

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