Hey Chicken_Addict we got storms last night. 3.5 inches of rain. My little banty Belles nest was damp so I decided to try risking a move for dry straw. She was not happy to say the least. My only Brown egg and I mean so dark you could not candle it, is pipping. I could also here cheeping I am so excited. Looks like more storms so take care. Maybe you all need a weather radio or some one to call you guys at your games if the weather gets bad. I hope you won. Did you? Updates later on my chicks. Happy Monday.
o god we are still having storms from last night and its monday now ugh my yard looks like a river neighbors pond is overfull havent looked at ours yet though

and we placed 3rd outta 5 teams we got cheated big time i will never play anoter tournament in sapulpa !! we would have had 2nd place but the freaking umpires kept making bad calls .i am usually the quiet coach but i was soooo mad i am surprised i didnt get kicked out he he he
thanks for asking

did yall have any damage from the storms there? we didt well i dont think so anyways....
We lost a few small limbs but mostly it is a flooding problem. My DH just said the creek is finally going down. No major damage. Still looks like rain.

Sorry about the umpires. What a bummer. My son played in the first grade and he got so tired of practice. His coach had him practice 5 hours at a time. Too long for first graders. Tournaments are so long and drug out too. Glad you did'nt get kicked out. lol

later Cindy
Glad your here. Where are you from? What kind of chickens do you have?

Hey,I live way out in the sticks;) thats all im gonna say..

But,thanks to the help of this forum i now know what breeds i have..

4-3 week old Brown Leghorns
2-Pearl White leghorns (one is 11 weeks around,the other is 3 weeks)

2-RIRs (both around 11 weeks)
1-Black Star(11 weeks)
1-Jersey giant (10 weeks)
2-Buff opringtons (3 weeks)

and 1 barred Rock ROO, about 1 year old.

I live in Wilburton.

And I have:

Muskovee Ducks - 8

1 Drake -- King Tut
7 Hens -- Cleo, Squirt, Delilah, Mandy, Mo, Jackie, BB

Chickens (Standard) - 45

10 Salmon Faverolle Hens
1 Salmon Faverolle Rooster

10 Black Australorp Hens

10 Silver Laced Wyandotte Hens

10 Americauna Hens
3 Americauna Roosters (2 will be re-homed soon)

Mixed Breed Hen
Dom X - Big Momma

Chickens (Banty) - 14

2 White Crested Black Polish Hens
1 White Crested Black Polish Rooster

1 OEG Rooster X (will be re-homed soon)
5 Hens --
1 Buff Cochin, 1 Frizzle (poss), 3 unknown at this time

4 Mixed Breed Hens --
Silkie X -- Q-Tip, Maude, Mable
Partridge Cochin Bantam & Americauna X -- Cheeky
I am okie too! transplanted from NY and glad to be here.....
I have a flock of 14 chickies and three ducks....
and very new to the chickie thing....
is the hot ok weather something i need to worry about?
i guess I should start saving for an a/c for my chickies...LOL:lol:
Hey everybody. How goes it. It is so green here. I had forgoten what Ok looked like when it was so green. Much nicer than brown, burning up with fires. It sure makes the weeds in the garden grow!! Starting to get some red on the tomato's and lots of baby squash.

Have a nice day everyone. Cindy
Anyone know where you can get DE in Ok? I am thinking I have gotta have some and hate to have it shipped if I can get it in Ok. Travel all over the state and Tx and Ks. with dh going to tractor shows. Any ideas anyone?

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