OMG!!! First Game Cam pic ever. Huge Funny thread

Come on people. You have to be kidding me. There is no way that is a mountain lion. It is simply a domesticated cat. If it were a lion you would not be able to see the chair behind it. the cats body would block most of it.
I'd say it's a young mountain lion, based on comparing it's size to the chair behind it.

Could you measure the width of the chair, and the height of the chair arm, and post those?
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Oh my goodness what a picture!! From the daytime picture, it looks like you do have neighbors, has anyone else seen any mountain lions, or has anyone lost any livestock lately?

Id be skeered if I saw that in my yard.....
If it were in my backyard, I woundn't care what kinda cat it was, DH is building a MUCH better coop right now...
I think Bobcat. Some Bobcats have rather long tails. Doesn't seem right for a Mountain Lion.

Not sure I'd be comfortable with it in my yard regardless.

I've often thought of putting a game cam in our yard but not sure I really want to know what's out there at night............................
As someone who has had the opportunity to see bobcats, cougars and domestic cats in the wild, and at night.... THAT'S A COUGAR! No doubt in my mind.

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