Pics of our rabbit with a few questions : )


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Cypress, Texas
Everyone meet our new rabbit...that doesn't have a name yet...maybe ya'll can help!



Notice anything different about him???

Yep, he doesn't have ears!

We went to the feed store a few weeks ago and they were selling baby bunnies for easter. OMG this man had sooo many rabbits...cages and cages full of them. They were all 4-6 week old californians, new z, and holland lops. I had no intentions of buying a baby bunnie, just wanted to see them...Then I saw this big guy all by himself in a cage with a note on the front that said discount. The man told me he was a 7 month old holland lop buck with no ears. Instead of $35 he was $15...bc of the ear issue. he told us that his mom ate her entire litter but they were able to save him, she ate his ears though. I left there, really really wanting this rabbit but I had to run it by DH first. the man told me he would be back at the same place tomorrow morning so I took a picture of the rabbit and headed home.

My husband of course thought I was crazy..."only you would want a rabbit with no ears!" lol.....We already had a brand new hutch that was for our silkie, but shes with the big girls we had a home...I had a rabbit a few years I already had a rabbit feeder and water bottle...just needed to buy pellets and hay..Long story short, I went back and got him! and what a sweetheart he is! He doesn't really like being picked up but he loves to be petted on the ground and likes to run around in the backyard. Our yard is fenced in and theres no way for him to go under the fence. We only let him out when were sitting outside and able to watch him.

With him having no ears is he going to get overheated faster? This is what I'm really worried about. Its been in the high 80's durring the day and he just lays there panting...Its not even summer. He had alot of build up in the smaller one and I used alittle olive oil to clean it out and smother any ear mites that may be lurking.

Even though he doesn't have ears I still think he's handsome!
here he is munching on a carrot top

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He's so cute! About the over-heating, if it gets much hotter, freeze a bottle like apple juice comes in and put it in his cage. This will help him to cool down. Also, put his cage in the shade and check him during the hottest part of the day. He should be fine, though.
Do you find he can't hear as well? Just thinking, because the sound won't be channeled into his ear as well.
He's like a Lamancha goat-they don't have ears.
Cute bun. You could call him "Stubs" or "Stubby".

Do watch him in the heat... he's missing the heat radiators on him.

Also looks like you have your hutch floor in upside down. If you flip it, all the 1/2" spaced side will be up giving a "flatter" surface and he won't have to step or lay on those fat cross pieces in the cage/grill floor.

I find it sorta shocking that the seller was trying to sell such a bun. Glad you rescued him!

I too recently bought a rabbit with eaten ears! She is an english lop doe and her mother ate one of her ears and left holes in the other.. SO we took her, she has great type and a nice pedigree but only 75% of her ears

Even though she is a gal... when I saw her and saw her "bitten" ear her name came to me..... Evander... feel free to use it also! (get it?)
You can buy ice sheets like ice packs but they have individual pockets that freeze. You can cut them to size between the pockets. My buns chew plastic if I put it in there, so I'm making towel envelopes to tuck the sheets into for them to lay on without chewing on them. Our cages are entirely wire, so I also lay the ice sheets across the top and let the cold air fall into the cages, also. If you can't find the ice sheets locally, you can find them on Amazon.

He's a real cutie and he doesn't seem to think he's missing anything at all.

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